New Ikara Indoor Props – #SciOly ?

I forgot I bought these this summer – never got them online until tonight.  These might be good for Science Olympiad or NoCal flyers – or who knows what other Indoor categories?

I believe I now have all of the different Ikara Indoor Propellers.  Each one comes with the bearing hanger, too.

Find them in their own section:  Props/Ikara Indoor


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FOR SALE – “Experimental” Prop

In the last batch of prop blanks from the Prop Factory (my dad), I received a couple of blanks that were strange in appearance.  The pitch was as advertised but the block layout was shifted (due to an error in machine set up).  I decided that these were so strange that I did not want to sell them to a customer base that loves every aspect of wooden props – including how nice and symmetrical a blank should look.

So, I decided to see if I could make a finished product that would look good.  The photos show the result.  I think the finished prop looks fine, but I will let the public decide!

This is a 10″ Diameter x 14″ Pitch regular rotation balsa prop for Rubber Powered Free Flight.  Notice the “scimitar” shape to the blades – this was due to the layout issues mentioned above – I could not get a symmetrical blade out of this blank.  The maximum blade width is about 1.25″

This was made from 5-pound balsa and it now weighs 1.7 grams as shown.  It will need final finish (dope, CA, glassing – your choice), a central hub installed (currently a 3/32″ hole), and some sort of drive/freewheeler.  These are left to the buyer.  Also, there has been no effort to balance the prop, although it is nearly balanced.  I also carved in a bit of under-camber into the blades.

Price:  $20 postage included, shipped USPS Priority to anywhere in the United States (international postage will be greater).
Payment:  PayPal preferred.
Contact me ONLINE (email, Facebook post, Facebook Messenger, etc.) if you want this prop.  We will work from first to contact me has first opportunity.

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Customer Photos! – Roy Courtney

Long time flying friend, Roy Courtney, sent in two photos of some of his Volare Products Embryos.

Here is his Big Cat

Big Cat by Roy Courtney

And here is his Durham Mystery

Durham Mystery Plane by Roy Courtney

Both should be great flyers – Thanks Roy!

If you would like to see your photos here, just send them on in to me.

Just an update on me – I’m slowly getting better.  I still have a hard cough remaining from the bronchitis and my right ear is still plugged, but I am definitely getting better.  I have sent out some orders, but still have a significant stack that piled up while I wasn’t feeling like doing anything.  I will get these out as soon as I can.  Thanks for being patient.  –george

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The Winds of November

Here is my “fortune” from fried rice last night…




Expanding my business – ask my son:  that is on my mind every day.  But these past couple of days shows just how fragile a one-man shop really is.  It’s been a few days since I posted.  I feel like it’s been forever.  Sickness grabbed ahold of me and knocked me down.  I’m starting to get better, but not fast enough.  I did absolutely nothing for about 5 days, fighting what is thought to be some sort of viral bronchitis.  I haven’t been knocked out like this in ages.

As a result, no building, no site updates, no orders filled – and people are getting antsy.  I finally got some orders packed last night and might get some packed tonight.  I’m back at my job (hadn’t missed due to extended sickness in about 5 years), but working means resting in the evenings, so it all will be slow going.

However,  I do have new products in the pipeline.  Some are commercial items that I will be distributing, some are items I picked up that I thought modelers might be interested in, and there are some more Short Kits coming – one is very close as a  prototype has already been built and flown, and a couple would need the plan packages completed.  And of course, Superior Props – we keep getting requests for new props and we get them out the door as soon as we can.

Also, I have had a couple of customers send in photos of their completed Volare Products.  I’ll post them soon.

So, thanks for hanging in there with me.

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Making Balloon Wheels

My Comper Swift needs wheels.  So, I figured I would just make some nice balloon wheels that matched the photos of the subject being modeled.

Here are the steps I took to make the wheels form some very light 1/16″ sheet balsa.  I think the photos pretty much explain it all.  What they don’t explain (and neither can I) is why I forgot to weigh them before I affixed them to the landing gear!  But they can’t weigh more than 1.5 grams or so.


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November Nuggets – Two New Programs!

I am going to try some new awareness campaigns starting in November.

Program #1 – Builder Photos. Please send in photos of your completed Volare Products Kits or Superior Props. We know how good they are, but why take our word for it? Help us tell the world how pleased you are with the products. Feel free to include yourself in the photo (or not) and any pieces of information about the product and its successes for you.

Program #2 – Monthly Short Kit Giveaways. These giveaways will be for a pre-selected kit and will run for a week or so – and will only take place on our Facebook page. You can enter simply by “liking” or “sharing” the announcement that appears on Facebook. At the end of the defined time, a name will be selected at random from the list of participants and that person will be contacted and sent the short kit, free of charge! The only additional request is that should you win, you send in a photo of the completed kit to Program #1.

Oh, here’s the Facebook page:

So, send in your photos any time, and look for the November giveaway soon!


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NEW PRODUCT – Ohka NoCal Short Kit

One of my long-promised short kits, I finally got this package finished.  It is based on my old NoCal plan, but I have redrawn it and re-engineered it for laser cutting.  As with all my NoCals, this is designed for outdoor flying.  This long fused plane creates a NoCal with about 60 square inches of wing area.  With the long nose, you want to keep that prop light, but once trimmed, this should give long flights.  We recommend a 6″ prop and a loop 3/32″ rubber to start out with.  Special thanks to Oliver Sand for building the kit prototype.  Remember, a “short kit” provides the plan and laser cut parts; you supply the stick wood and hardware.

Find this and all my kits by clicking HERE


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JUST IN!!! The NEW Gizmo Geezer Nose Buttons!

You’ve heard rumors (maybe even from me!) but now you can see the real thing.  I just took shipment of a large batch of the latest version of the famous and popular Gizmo Geezer Nose Button with Adjustable Thrust.  Now it includes your choice of prop shaft size!

Since the user has a choice, the user will also have to do the minor final assembly.  The shaft size is determined by a bushing that must be installed right before screwing the front assembly into the back plate.  (Instructions included.)

Once assembled, they are used in the same way as the old design.  No dimension has changed (excepting the prop shaft size).



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NEW PRODUCT! – Stout 2-AT Scale Short Kit

Finally, I have the Stout kit online.  We included this kit in the 2015 FAC Outdoor Champs registration packet – and 48 people received them.  This is the One-Design for next year’s contest.  If you weren’t there or just want another, now they are available in the Basement.  Thanks to Cloudbusters Jack Moses, Mike Welshans, and Winn Moore for help in the prototyping stage.  And thanks to Stu Weckerly for inspiration and years of friendship.

This 18″ span Short Kit includes 3 sheets of laser cut parts and a plan sheet, plus the story of the Stout 2-AT Air Pullman and a little bit about Stu.  And beyond the One-Design, this qualifies for FAC Scale and FAC Golden Age Monoplane.

Hop on over to the Basement and order yours today; it’s only 10 bucks:  SHOP HERE

There is also a link above in the Gallery – I have collected over 40 images for you to use as documentation.


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Back in Stock! 1/4″ Rubber!!!!

You asked for it; FAI is now making 1/4″ rubber again!  NEW AND FRESH!!!  The smallest box they offer (and the only size I carry) is 1 pound boxes.  I took a bunch of these to the Outdoor Champs a couple weeks ago and sold out!.  I have more on hand now.

Also, all other sizes of rubber are re-stocked and Crocket Hooks, too.  And in the mail on their way to me are re-supplies of CA glues and a huge lot of the NEW Gizmo Geezer Nose Bearing kits!

More to come!


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