31 January 2024:

Click HERE to shop NOW!

This is my new store on SHOPIFY.  All of my Blog Posts and Documentation will remain here.

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2024 FAC Nats After Action Report

There are always plans and expectations when you go to a large and important contest like the 2024 FAC Nats.  I think everyone has dreams of how it will turn out.  Mine were big plans; I intended to defend my 2022 Non-Scale Championship.  This is not particularly easy as you must place significantly high in most, if not all of the non-scale events.  This year, that included: Old Time Stick, Jimmie Allen, Old Time Fuselage, 2-Bit, Half-Wakefield, and Embryo.  I was also defending NoCal Champ and had several Scale events that I intended to fly.  All-in-all, I registered for 27 events to be flown over the three days of official flying.  That’s a lot of flying and it is known (to me, at least) that I would never get all of them flown, but you have to have big plans to make big things happen.

As I posted earlier, I worked hard between the mid-June contest in Muncie and the mid-July contest in Geneseo to fix and build planes.  I built three new planes (Miss Production for OT Stick, KK Gipsy for ½ Wake, and Folkerts SK-2 for NoCal) and repaired 10 planes.  Some of this worked and some of it was for naught, but all of it had to be done.

Sometimes Hung smiles on you and sometimes Hung toys with you.  He was toying with me all week.  Invariably, I would put up a test flight and it would be well over a max and I would go to official flights and struggle to get even one of the three official flights to exceed two minutes.  This is so frustrating when a) you know the planes are good for it and b) you know you will likely need three maxes to even compete for the top spot in many events.  But half of success is just showing up, so I kept plugging away.

I won’t bore you with too many details, but I had some spectacular flights and almost all of them were not officials.  One was a test flight on my Miss Production:  the DT went off dutifully at 2:05 and the plane landed at 3:06 – deep in the 9-foot-tall corn.  Thanks to Tom Hallman, Pat Murray, and Winn Moore it was found and I could continue – no, START – flying Old Time Stick.

Another “thanks” needs to go out to Vance Gilbert.  On Wednesday evening, he stopped by when I was flying my Jumbo Focke-Wulf FW-189.  I’ve had it for a couple years now, but can only really fly it at large contests.  He helped me with the final trimming and it started climbing out and flying right.  His recommendations?  “That thing is ready, stop messing around and put some turns in those motors.”  He was right.  More Power and it climbed to altitude and got some decent times.  I flew it in WWII-Combat (a mass Launch event).  There were 31 pilots and the first round took out 11 – but not me!  I made it to the second round (where they took out 10) and made a respectable middle-of-the-pack 14th place showing.  I was satisfied.  Few people fly models that large in WWII and virtually no one is crazy/stupid enough to fly a large TWIN-engined model.  So, being crazy/stupid, I did and I was happy with the results.  I know some people took videos of the rounds, I’ like to see my plane in action.

I later flew it for times in Jumbo Scale.  At the FAC Nats, Jumbo requires an Average of three flights to compute your overall flight score.  One single flight isn’t good enough; you need three flights.  So I had a decent first flight (roughly 55-seconds) – the photo here is where it landed.  And then I did a second flight after adding a touch of nose weight to help the pitchy glide.  The video shows that entire flight – Including the reason why I didn’t get to make a third flight.  Regardless, I took 5th in Jumbo (awards are to five places at the FAC Nats) – again, I was pleased with the performance.  Watch the video – the ending may surprise you.

As for the non-Scale events, I flew every one, but only maxed-out in OT Stick. I had started with my trusty Holy Ike.  I had a max test flight followed by a too-short first official – 10 seconds under 120.  So I set that aside and got out my back-up – the brand-new Miss Production.  Eventually, I got three maxes.  The CD had decided that tie-breakers (if there were ties) were to be decided by an unlimited fourth flight.  I waited until after 4pm and put up a 2.5 minute flight – the shortest flight I had made with the Miss Production all day!  Because of that short unlimited flight, I placed second in OT stick.

I kept going in the non-Scale events, but my performances were not very notable.  Well, I was fifth in OT Fuselage and did manage to win Half-Wakefield – with a brand-new half-size Keil Kraft Gipsy.  In fact, my “showing up” in all the events was enough for me to place second behind Tom Hallman for Non-Scale Champion.  That’s pretty good, I guess.

Two more notes:

Firstly, a report on my three new builds done in the 3+weeks immediately before Geneseo:  the Miss Production triple-maxed and placed second in OT Stick, the Gipsy placed first in Half-Wake and my trimmed-trimmed-on-the-field-and-adjusted-during-official-flights NoCal Folkerts Sk-2 placed second in NoCal, behind Scott Richelen flying an F-4 Phantom with a single flight over 6 minutes long.  So it was a good thing I actually built those models as they were my best performing ones!

Lastly, a surprise for me at the Awards ceremony.  My Jumbo Focke-Wulf FW-189 won the “Earl van Gorder Memorial Award – World War Two Best of Show”.  This is a perpetual FAC Trophy awarded at the FAC-Nats only and the model is selected by anonymous judges based on appearance (and possibly impressiveness?), not performance.  It is an honor to have my model selected.  This is also sentimental to me for another reason:  Earl van Gorder wrote a column in the Flying Models magazine “Flying Things for Fledglings”.  Not only did I read that article, but I sent several plans to him when I was starting out in this whole plans business.  He was kind enough to comment on every one in his article and that helped me sell them for like $5 each.  That was way back in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s (check those old issues!)  Who knew where all that would lead?

My final Awards Ceremony tally:

1st – Half-Wake – Keil Kraft Gipsy
2nd – OT Stick – Miss Production
2nd – NoCal – Folkerts SK-2
3rd – National Air Races – Comper Swift
4th – Modern Civilian – Bede BD-4 (Peanut)
5th – OT Fuselage – HepCat
5th – Jumbo Scale – Focke-Wulf FW-189

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Out-of-Office until 28/29 July

I am off to the FAC Nats in Geneseo, NY this week and then the AMA Nats in Muncie, IN next week.  If your order has not been filled by now, it will not be filled until I return.  I WILL have a selection of items for sale at both contests, so stop by and see if you need something!

Thanks for your support and LET’S GO FLYING!

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Peanut Scale Midget Monocoupe and 1/2Wake Keil Kraft Gipsy

Two new kits, finished this month!

Midget Monocoupe for Peanut and Goodyear Races HERE

Keil Kraft Gipsy 1/2 Wake HERE

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PRE-ORDER for Geneseo and Muncie NATS!

Please consider pre-ordering for these two contests:

  • FAC Nationals – Geneseo, NY (16/17/18/19/20 July)
  • AMA FF Nats – Muncie, IN (23/24/25/26 July)

Please make a cart comment about WHICH Contest you are ordering for!

I will have your order ready to pick up upon my arrival at each contest.  This will also ensure that you get a kit that you want, since I will not have stock-on-hand of all kits at each contest.  I will have stock of some kits, but definitely not all kits, and possibly, not the kit you want!  So order ahead, pay ahead, and pick up at the contest. **

** – Note:  you WILL be charged postage, but I will refund the postage back to you after delivery.  If you do not pick up your order at the contest, it will be shipped to you.  (I tried to set up “Event Pickup/Contest Delivery” in this shopping cart as I had done in the past, but I immediately got a handful of orders from people that only saw “FREE” postage.)

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CALCULATORS – Back Online!

After much frustration, my Calculators are back online.  For some reason, WordPress (my blog software) prohibited the embedding of non-Wordpress pages within WordPress.  This broke the connection to my Calculators.  Finally, I gave up fighting and have made the links to (apparently) external pages.  The Calculators will now pop out in a new tab in your browser.

There are now SIX calculators:  Carve Calc (for prop block dimensions), Cone Calc, Strut Calc, Safe Torque Calc, TVo-CG Calc, and Density Calc.

You can find them in the Menu Bar at the top.  Eventually, they will return to the right side menu, also.

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NEW PRODUCT – Bradley Glider Reel

After a winter of waiting for good weather, I was finally able to test a new product this month.  It is a 10:1 Glider Reel, designed by (and produced with permission of) Paul Bradley.  This is designed for the Flying Aces Club Scale Glider event.

It is printed in ABS plastic (7 hours of print time) and assembled with quality hardware, including four sealed ball bearings.  It is also loaded with the FAC-maximum of 50 meters / 54 yards of high-visibility 30lb flyline.  It is ready to use with the exception of adding the required flag at the end of the line.

Find the Bradley Glider Reel HERE in my shop.

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Contest Delivery – Order Ahead!

Ok, it is that time of year.  If you are going to the following contests, consider ordering ahead.  I will have your orders packed, ready for pickup.

  1. FAC Contest McCook at Muncie, IN (7/8/9 June)
  2. FAC Nationals – Geneseo, NY (16/17/18/19/20 July)
  3. AMA FF Nats – Muncie, IN (23/24/25/26 July)

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Fill your shopping cart with what you want
  2. During Checkout, add a NOTE to your cart
    1. tell me what contest you want to pick up (I am not a mind reader!)
  3. Complete the order (pay).

You will be charged postage, BUT – either I will refund after delivery – or I will use the postage to mail your order, should we not connect at the contest.

I will pack up the order and have it ready for pickup when I arrive at the contest.  Just stop by and say you are picking up your pre-order.

One benefit is that you can likely order things that may not be at any given contest to purchase.  Here are some reasons why that may be:

  1. I will NOT have items for sale at McCook.
  2. I will be selling with a setup at Geneseo during registration on Wednesday, but during flying day, all my sales stuff will be in a trailer while I fly.
  3. At the AMA FF Nats, again, I will not be set up during flying time, but will likely have my stock in a trailer.
  4. I will NOT have a full stock of kits at any contest.  If there is a specific kit you want, order ahead!


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Creating a New Instance of My Site

I am working re-creating or re-building my site.

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Shop Status and Future

30 Jan 2024

I have, after considerable time, effort, and expense, converted my web-store to Shopify.  You can find it here:

PLEASE NOTE:  All Products, Customers, and Orders were migrated to the Shopify store.  Everything since I converted the store last time in 2020.   All existing OPEN orders will be completed within the new store.  I am sure there will be challenging issues coming up, but please continue to be patient and we will get through them.

For some unknown reason, my entire site may be broken.  I cannot seem to make a new post.  This post was done by editing an old post, so it is not technically a new post.  It had been my intent to keep the WordPress Blog, Image Galleries, Documentation, Downloads, etc. all right here.

But in order to make it more than a static page, I may have to rebuild it completely.  That will take another great deal of time and effort – and I am not up to that right now.

This does not mean that I will be inactive.  On the contrary, I will continue to work as I have had in the past.


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New Year and New Stuff

Happy 2024!

Yesterday, I decided to go through my books and am posting many duplicates I have for sale.  I think I counted 19 books.  (There’s some good stuff there!)  You can find them in the BOOKS section!

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