Three New Short Kits!

Coming out of the Cloudbusters’ Indoor contest last Thursday (08 Dec), I had three successful new models!  My Floyd Bean NoCal had proven itself before, but it won the NoCal races, beating three Folkerts SK-2 and a Hosler Fury (all 5 models were my designs!)

I struggled with my Occipinti’s Wittman Tailwind again for an unexpected amount of time – until I upped the rubber from a loop of 3/32″ to a loop of 0.108″ rubber.  It settled right in to a nice climb and cruise, logging several seconds over 2 minutes. There was much rejoicing (well, internally, at least).

Also, my Sky Box Indoor Embryo was returned to me (stuck on the roof last month) and I tweaked it a little and had an ROG flight of almost 2 minutes in length.  More success (and more tweaking in the future)!

Find them here:

Floyd Bean NoCal

Tailwind NoCal

Sky Box Embryo


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