Website Updated

It’s been a long journey – I needed a site upgrade for some security reasons.  The site has been in flux for over a month, but now things are looking and acting a lot more like they are meant to be.

In the past, my blog and my sales area were two separate sites, barely linked and not really integrated.  Now, you can see that my blog area is fully contained within the shopping portal.  All of my articles and New Product posts will appear right here.  You will have access to all of my old articles are reference material via the menu on the right side.  Note that if you are within the shopping area, this menu disappears, replaced by shopping items.  If you want to return to the blog and its menu, you can get there from two different paths:  1) click the word BLOG on the main menu bar at the top (the black band).  You can also get to the blog by clicking the VOLARE PRODUCTS image in the upper left corner.

If you notice any broken images, please let me know.  There are hundreds on my site and some are not yet fixed.  Also, let me know of any other issues you might find while looking around.


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