PRE-ORDER NOW for Geneseo and Muncie!

Yesterday was my birthday, and my birthday wish is that all of my customers that know what they want and plan to pick something up at the FAC Non-Nats in Geneseo or the AMA Nats in Muncie (both in July) – my wish is that you PRE-ORDER NOW.

Pre-ordering will make my life easier; yours, too.  I will pre-package and have the orders ready for you at these events.  I plan on doing MORE FLYING and less on-field selling during contest hours this year.  I like to consider myself a flyer/competitor first and a salesman second.  Last year, my flying was hampered because I was trying to be a good salesman.  The low point last year was a customer asking about product as I was removing a wound model from my stooge.  I talked with him for 10 minutes or so with the wound model in my hand.  So, help me and I will be glad to help you – pre-order.  This doesn’t mean that I won’t be selling at the flying field – just don’t expect much during flying hours – after hours, I will be on the field until late in the evening.  And at Geneseo, we will be selling Wednesday at the judging.

A note on birthdays – if you can choose the time of year to be born in, definitely choose late June, if you’re a male.  Summer is starting, the weather is getting nice.  Besides that, as you get older, it’s like a 3-week holiday – mid-June is Father’s Day, my birthday comes a week or so later – then another week later is 4th of July.  It’s a great time!

I spent yesterday packing several orders and I even built a model.  I’ve been having issues with my two current NoCals – I can’t seem to get competitive performance out of them.  SO – I decided to build another.  This was about 5 hours, start to first test flight, with plenty of breaks tossed in there (its an easy build!)  The model literally leaped from my hand and climbed to about 20 feet on 400 turns on a loop of 1/16″ rubber – NO ADJUSTMENTS.  I imagine that someone might find this someday after an OOS flight.  It’s the Cessna 210 Centurion from my laser-cut short kit.  Here’s a photo from a similar test flight this morning.


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