No Flying in February, but…

I’ve been playing catch-up in February.  The month started off with me and my wife visiting her native Costa Rica.  I came back from tropical jungles and beaches to 2 feet of snow on the ground.  And to top it off, this week, we had a swing of over 50 degrees between Thursday and Saturday – and we were still below freezing.  Yes, it was nearly 30 on Saturday…and according to my truck, it was -25 on Thursday morning.

Weather aside, I’ve been putting in extra effort trying to catch up on orders received while I was away.  I am pretty much caught up, excepting some items that I ran out of and am waiting on re-supply.

On the building front, I had a stretch of the doldrums – I hadn’t built in January or February until this week.  I had to practically force myself into building, but now I I’ve got the ball rolling.  Here is a new Embryo I built this week.  I call it the Bad Axe – it is a lengthened Tomahawk.  Bad Axe is a play on the Tomahawk name and a send-up to Michigan (and the Tomahawk’s Michigan origins), as there is a town here called Bad Axe.  I don’t have a weight yet, since I can’t spray it in this cold and it still needs a nose button and prop.


I have kinda spoiled myself as I don’t like to build any model without using laser cut parts.  That’s all good, except I have to spend a lot of time drawing parts if I want to build a new model.  So, I’ve been spending many hours redrawing one of my favorite models.  Here are pieces that I cut today for a 19″ span Keith Rider R-2 Bumblebee for the Greve Race.  I redesigned the fuselage to have a more accurate cross section and it will be built out of all 1/16″ sticks, so it should be fairly light, too.  That will be next on the building board – starting sometime this week.








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