NEW PRODUCT – NoCal Stuka Short Kit

Last year, I built and flew (and destroyed) a Stuka NoCal.  I had some decent flights on it, but I over-torqued it and it broke apart.

Last week, someone asked about the Short Kit availability, so I finished up the project and it is now available.  Find it in the Shop (HERE).  There are FREE printed tissue templates, to boot.

As an aside, I’ve been a little slow in kit releases.   I have other PROVEN models that I could finish the kit-prepping – if there is interest.  Let me know if anyone is interested in these (all short kits) – I could be convinced to push these into Production:

  • Peanut Fairey Barracuda (with canopy) $15
  • Jimmie Allen Sky Raider ($15)
  • Jumbo Aircraft Designs Stallion ($25) (plans will take some time to get ready)
  • Peanut Bellanca Aries T-250 ($10) (has flown, just not quite finished)

I also have a handful of plans that are ready to prototype (not built and tested, so not ready for production):

  • Gil Sherman Convertible 2-Bit
  • Peanut WACO SRE
  • 1/2-sized “New” Gollywock (the second version – the one with h-stab tip plates)
  • NoCal Occipinti’s Tailwind (nearly ready to cut and build – retract version – NO landing gear)
  • plus a couple that are awaiting work by others

Plus, I am working on a new Dimer, a 1′:1″ Lacey M-13 (M-10 as it is today), and there will be several more this winter – maybe even a WWI biplane!

Building Season is here!

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