Golden Age of Air Racing Photo Index

Years ago (nearly 20 years now!) , I published a hard copy photo index to the marvelous EEA book “the Golden Age of Air Racing – pre 1940” by Schmid & Weaver.  I created the index for my own use because I spent literally hundreds of hours pouring over the photos, trying to learn all I could about the fascinating race planes.

I’ve been asked a couple of times to resume publication.  I finally decided to do just that, but in a different media.   I use WordPress for this web site and I found a plug-in that would allow tables to be displayed AND sorted.  So…I installed the plug-in, converted my old format to a compatible one, and have published this work online – free to anyone that wants to use it.

There are nearly 850 images referenced and you can sort by any of the column headers by simply clicking on the column header.  Do you want them sorted by page?  Click Page.  Do you want them sorted by Plane Name?  Click Plane.  Do you want to find all the 3-views in the book?  Click on Notes.

There is only one minor problem – the page may appear blank when you go to it.  I guess the table needs to load properly, I don’t know.  But I have found that if you hit REFRESH (once, twice, more?) the data will be displayed.  It’s a big table, so be prepared to scroll down!

Enjoy – follow the link below – or look on the menu above under “HOW-TO”

Golden Age of Air Racing Photo Index (refresh if blank)


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