Flying into 2015!

Well, I’m starting off 2015 in just the right way – with some outdoor Free Flight!  This year wasn’t snowy like last year, and it was cold, but not frigid.  Unfortunately, it was pretty windy.  Given that, I decided to get out my “Shaft”, a durable OT Stick from 1944 with a wing span of about 13″.  I popped in a short loop of 1/8, gave it about 600 or so winds and headed out to the back yard with my son Jack acting as videographer.  As you can see in the video, the plane got up, flew well in the wind and didn’t get stuck in a tree.  I call that a success!

Here is hoping that all of you have an equally successful 2015, with great models and great flights.  Don’t forget to stop by whenever you need to replenish your Free Flight supplies.  See you on the flying field!

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