Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mid-Summer is Here – I’ve Been Busy

You haven’t heard much from me and this will probably be my last blog post until September. Between o4 August and 11 August, I will be attending THREE contests – yes, three contests in a week.  Tomorrow is our local … Continue reading

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A New How-To Article – Printing on Tissue

I just published a new How-To.  Printed Tissue, Part 1 Find it in the How-To area – or click HERE

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BACK IN STOCK – Gizmo Geezer Prop Assemblies!

I just received these this week.  10 each 7″, 8″, 9.5″, and 10″ with Spinner drives.  Get ’em while they are hot!  (If you miss out on this batch, there will be more – they are BACK IN PRODUCTION!) Find … Continue reading

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(FF) Kids These Days!

Some people say Free Flight is dying.  Some people say kids don’t fly Free Flight.  Sometimes there is a bright spot on the horizon. In 2012, I came back to Free Flight Modeling and I purchased a vendor business.  I … Continue reading

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They Call It “Endurance” For A Reason

Well, two weeks of National Contests are over for the year (first the FAC nats in Geneseo, NY and then the AMA Nats in Muncie, IN).  I had goals – most of which remain unfulfilled, but it was a good … Continue reading

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Coloring Our Models – What Colors are Right?

Two and a half years ago, I built a Peanut Barracuda.  I’ve written about it before, including its demise, when it was crushed by a passing dust devil.  This past winter, I built another fuselage and tail and got it … Continue reading

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Some Race Plane Confusion

At yesterday’s Cloudbusters’ Indoor Fling, we struggled (as we do every year) to fill the Goodyear/Formula One Mass Launch. By FAC Rule, these models must be modeling “aircraft entered in Goodyear/F-1/F-Vee/Biplane races” with a 13″ maximum wingspan (Peanut Scale). We … Continue reading

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A Story of Woe – Postage

I often feel guilty about the rates I charge for postage.  Often I don’t worry about it, but sometimes it is called to my attention, often by customers or potential customers.  Here are two tales of my misery for you … Continue reading

Posted in Customers, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Mid-winter Modeling Musings

Just some quick blurbs that are passing through my busy mind… Supply Shortages: I am having issues re-stocking some of my products.  Some of it is my own doing (running out before I re-order) and some is manufacturer issues.  I … Continue reading

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Modeling Joke of the Day

Late this afternoon, I decided to take a break from orders, kit-cutting, grocery shopping, and whatever other things I’ve been doing and relax and fly something in the back yard.  The weather is great; mid-70s, sunny, virtually no breeze.  I … Continue reading

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