Calculating Safe Torque

If you are winding to torque, or considering winding to torque, you should know how far you can push your rubber motor.  Don DeLoach has long been an advocate of winding to torque, even going as far as not to even count turns.  The best indoor flyers also wind to torque.  I created a Web-based Calculator; find the link below, after reading more background.

Awhile back, Don wrote an article for the FAC News where he pulled back the curtain and let us all see what “tricks” he uses.  In that article, he included a table of torque values that he had created from his observations.  The smart modeler who wants to wind to torque would be well-advised to copy that table and keep it in your field notebook.

I decided to create another Web Tool Calculator – I call this one “SafeTorque Calc” to calculate the safe level of torque for any motor based on the rubber width and number of strands.  It uses Don’s data as the basis for calculation.  Don’s table showed Max (breaking) torque, 85% torque, 75% torque.  I am using the 75% values to generate the calculator.   It will even calculate the safe torque of a motor made up of loops of two different widths.

You can find the Calculator in the menu at the top of the page, or in the list at the right of the page (or just click HERE).  Please read the notes at the bottom of that page.

You can find Don’s article in the PFFT Archive under How-Tos at the top of the page or just click HERE.


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One Response to Calculating Safe Torque

  1. winn moore says:

    Awesome, Going to wear this out with the phone on the field.

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