8thYEAR – Discount Code plus another New Product!

It’s that time of year again! April 1st starts our 8th Year. Take advantage of a 10% Discount on ALL products on the web site by using this code during checkout: 8thYEAR (copy and paste for best results). The discount is good until 15 April 2019.

In addition, here is another New Product!

My latest 3D Printed Product – a handle for the K&P small winders. Comes in Right or Left configuration. Buy a winder at the same time and I will refund $2! Comes with two screws and nuts.

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2 Responses to 8thYEAR – Discount Code plus another New Product!

  1. Scott Richlen says:


    To make sure I understand this correctly: with the “right” handle you would wind with your right hand while holding the handle in your left?


    • Bredehoft says:

      Yes, for a right-handed person, they normally hold the winder in their left hand and crank with their right.

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