The Winds of November

Here is my “fortune” from fried rice last night…




Expanding my business – ask my son:  that is on my mind every day.  But these past couple of days shows just how fragile a one-man shop really is.  It’s been a few days since I posted.  I feel like it’s been forever.  Sickness grabbed ahold of me and knocked me down.  I’m starting to get better, but not fast enough.  I did absolutely nothing for about 5 days, fighting what is thought to be some sort of viral bronchitis.  I haven’t been knocked out like this in ages.

As a result, no building, no site updates, no orders filled – and people are getting antsy.  I finally got some orders packed last night and might get some packed tonight.  I’m back at my job (hadn’t missed due to extended sickness in about 5 years), but working means resting in the evenings, so it all will be slow going.

However,  I do have new products in the pipeline.  Some are commercial items that I will be distributing, some are items I picked up that I thought modelers might be interested in, and there are some more Short Kits coming – one is very close as a  prototype has already been built and flown, and a couple would need the plan packages completed.  And of course, Superior Props – we keep getting requests for new props and we get them out the door as soon as we can.

Also, I have had a couple of customers send in photos of their completed Volare Products.  I’ll post them soon.

So, thanks for hanging in there with me.

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