Monthly Archives: January 2018

Old Time Model of the Day: the Denny Starling

As soon as I get new balsa and some extra time, this will be the next kit out the door here at Volare Products. I have wanted to build this for ages.  It was designed by the same team that … Continue reading

Posted in Builds, Customers, Products | 3 Comments

Mid-winter Modeling Musings

Just some quick blurbs that are passing through my busy mind… Supply Shortages: I am having issues re-stocking some of my products.  Some of it is my own doing (running out before I re-order) and some is manufacturer issues.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Products, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Peanut Pegna P.C.1 Build – and Short Kit

Yesterday, I got a chance to fly my new Pegna with a new prop.  In December, I had absurdly tried a 6″x9P prop and the rubber would just not turn the prop.  I had to wait a month to try … Continue reading

Posted in Builds, Products | 2 Comments

LIMITED PRODUCTION – Blue Ridge Special FULL Kits!

I have TWENTY FULL KITS now available and stick wood for another twenty.  This will be the first run, and I do not know when the next run will be. *** EACH KIT MAKES TWO PLANES! *** These will be … Continue reading

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Volare Products – New Year’s 2018

I thought I’d do a short New Year’s post since I have been a little lax in posting recently.  I say it often, but I’ll say it again – I’ve been busy.  The end of December marks the half-way-point in … Continue reading

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