Monthly Archives: November 2016

New Products – the Wanderer

Well, it’s been a long time coming:  the model has been built for a year and flown successfully all last season – and the big time-eater was developing the plan and parts for production.  The 34″ span model itself is … Continue reading

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FOR SALE – Model Builder & AAM – $2 each

In the mid-80s, I discovered Model Builder magazine – it gave me my introduction to Free Flight.  I bought copies at the local news stand and then subscribed.  I also bought up older copies at swap shops when I found … Continue reading

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2016 Lessons Learned #1 – Power and Glide Trimming

I started flying Free Flight in the mid ’80s – so I’ve been doing this a long time.  Still, it amazes me what I don’t know; I still am learning things.  Another surprise is why it takes so long for … Continue reading

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New Products Action Report – PBY NoCal, the Shaft, F-4 JetCat, Guillows P-51D

Here is a brief summary of the three planes I built in two weeks and was able to fly yesterday. PBY NoCal This flies – or will fly.  I only gave it limited testing because I forgot to design and … Continue reading

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New Kit – the SHAFT – with VIDEO

Here is one I built back in April of 2012 and just now decided to change it over to laser-cut – just because it is so cute and fun – “the Shaft” by Louis Bucalo from the January 1944 Flying … Continue reading

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PBY-5 plus 25 (years)

Back around 1990 and 91, I built two PBY NoCals – yes, it was silly and I didn’t know any better.  One was heavy, had a fully covered wing, and the other was light with a pair of tiny carved … Continue reading

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