2013 Indoor Fling – Pontiac, MI

2013 INDOOR FLING in Pontiac, Michigan, hosted by the Detroit Cloudbusters, the Detroit Balsa Bugs, and the Michigan Indoor Aircraft Association.  This is an AMA Class AAA contest in a CAT III building.  As you may know this event takes place in an indoor soccer field with a minimum of 40 feet at the walls and 70 feet at the center.

AMA Events will be: Standard Catapult Glider, Unlimited Catapult Glider, Hand Launched Glider, Manhattan Cabin, Limited Penny Plane, Penny Plane. Bostonian, F1L Easy B, Mini Stick, Mini Stick Mass Launch, Inter Stick, and F1D

FAC Events will be: FAC Peanut, Scale, Golden Age, Simplified Scale, Dime Scale, NoCal, Phantom Flash, Embryo, Jet Catapult Glider, WWI Mass Launch, and WWII Mass Launch.  All FAC events to be flown by the current 2013 Rules.

Please see this Flyer for directions and details: http://www.volareproducts.com/2013SpringFlingfinalcolor.pdf

We will be SELLING and FLYING!

See you there!

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