7thYEAR – Discount Code plus New Products!

It’s that time of year again!  April 1st starts our 7th Year.  Take advantage of a 10% Discount on ALL products on the web site by using this code during checkout:  7thYEAR  (copy and pate for best results).

In addition, here are three new products:

The SUPREME TRAVELER.  The Traveler by Supreme dates from 1943 and is a 26″ sport design send to me by Randy Wrisley.  He built the prototype for me and has flown it successfully out west in California.  The laser-cut short kit comes complete with a funky 3-blade sheet prop and a weird nose plug – neither of which I would recommend for flying!  I have also redesigned the nose to a more traditional construction.  One of the surprises about the Traveler is that is was originally designed with 1/16″ square construction – rather light for a 26″ span model.  The light construction and undercambered wing should make a floater!

As with most of my short kits – it’s only $10.

prototype by Randy Wrisley



prototype by Randy Wrisley

Next Product:  VPS DT Kit

Over the winter, there was an online discussion regarding Viscous DT Timers.  I decided to invest some time and money and develop my own.  I purchased a quantity of dampers from overseas and spent many hours developing a system that works for me.  It took quite a bit of time to determine a RELIABLE spring mechanism and settings.  I will share the setup detail in the kit package.  The DT weighs about 1.2 grams.

KIT Package – $12

Bare Rotary Damper – $3

save a couple of 10ths of a gram by trimming off the ears


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One Response to 7thYEAR – Discount Code plus New Products!

  1. D. burdick says:

    You guys have so many great FF goodys that will be ordering in the near furture, keep up the good work.

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