FOUR NEW KITS for Your Winter Building!

Summer 2023 has been a very hit or miss season with several personal stumbling points and roadblocks.  Right now I am NOT at one of my favorite contests (FAC Outdoor Champs & Ted Dock) due to a kidney stone that is causing some longer duration issues.

At the risk of calling a strike on my own position (I still have many backlogged orders to fill), I took this downtime to release FOUR NEW SHORT KITS, as promised.

The first is the Schweizer SGU 2-22 36″ span glider for FAC Scale Hi-Start/Towline Glider.  This has been a long-time coming and many have been asking about it since seeing several of the videos by the designer, Tom Hallman.  Since it was part of the registration package for the FAC Outdoor Champs (and selected to be next year’s One-Design), I held off releasing it to the general public.  Now’s the time and you can find it HERE.

The second is a re-release of my swoopy Embryo, the Sky Rocket.  It has been 10 years since I designed the first iteration and this is version #3, initially build by my daughter-in-law, Michelle Salazar, and brought to full promise by Mike Kelly (he triple maxed yesterday at the Outdoor Champs).  The link is HERE.

The third short kit is another obscure Old Time Stick that is small enough to fly in P-30.  I found this Supreme Models kit and thought this would make a great Stick model.  Ken McGuire was up to the prototyping challenge and did a great job producing a great flying model.  Here’s the link to the PRODUCT (check out his test flight video).

And the fourth kit is for a tiny 10.5″ span indoor ROG, the Wasp.  This was published in the January 1942 Aeromodeller and was something of an online discussion last winter.  Frank Scott asked me to make the short kit and I sent him a few.  He built three and the fly great.  I think this would be an excellent Indoor One-Design for a club.  Find it HERE.

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