Monthly Archives: January 2019

New Embryo – Durham Air Limousine

AS SEEN IN THE FAC NEWS!  A short kit is available for the plan (and story!) in the latest (Jan/Feb 2019) Flying Aces Club News.  Flying buddy, Winn Moore, inspired this modification of the Durham Mystery.  And inspired by Tom … Continue reading

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A New How-To Article – Printing on Tissue

I just published a new How-To.  Printed Tissue, Part 1 Find it in the How-To area – or click HERE

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A New Event and a New Product

A LONG post with a lot of photos AND a video! One of the great things about the Flying Aces Club is that CDs are allowed to implement rules in their own way and try new things at the local … Continue reading

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Model Performance Report (i.e. “bragging”)

The Cloudbusters’ monthly indoor contest was yesterday and I had a few successes.  This post will talk about two of them. Last month, I debuted my B.A.T Monoplane neo-Dimer.  I had a high time in December of 102 seconds (1:42).  … Continue reading

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Flying Free Flight on New Years Day 2019

As I like to do, I was able to go out and fly today (New Years Day 2019) around noon.  I had wondered what I would fly, but I finished up my Stout 2-AT this morning and decided to test … Continue reading

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New Year Updates/Increases

Postage I have run with Flat Rate Priority Mail since I started.  I am not changing the process, but postal rates have increased (for everyone) and while I get a discount through the service I pay for, postage is often … Continue reading

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