Monthly Archives: October 2018

NEW PRODUCT – NoCal Stuka Short Kit

Last year, I built and flew (and destroyed) a Stuka NoCal.  I had some decent flights on it, but I over-torqued it and it broke apart. Last week, someone asked about the Short Kit availability, so I finished up the … Continue reading

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Products Removed – Temporary?

Due to the nature of the very-small-businesses that provide our hobby, I have had to remove some products from my catalog.  My hope is that this is temporary.  The following have been removed due to supply and or/production issues with … Continue reading

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The Peanut Factory

Everyone loves Peanuts (unless you’re allergic). Here is my latest. The Bellanca Aries T-250 – a rare model from the ’70s.  Cloudbuster Chris Boehm built one several years ago from the Walt Mooney plan.  We talked and he wants a … Continue reading

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A New Embryo and Other Progress

A New Embryo:  Over the last week or so, I’ve been working on a new Embryo design.  This one is based on the Tom Nallen Durham Mystery.  My flying buddy, Winn Moore, told me to extend the fuselage.  He had … Continue reading

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