
Here are software calculators that I have developed for the modeler.  I first published some of these online in about 1998.  These used to be presented within this blog, but now will pop out as separate pages.

Carve Calc is a program that generates dimensions for a prop blank when the user inputs the desired Pitch, Diameter and Blade Width. It also produces a table with various dimensions at various stations on the finished prop. Includes a diagram for layout and carving assistance.

Cone Calc is another simple program to help make paper cones from a sheet of paper. Input the desired cone size (for wheel hubs or prop spinners) and find out what sized circle of paper to use.

Strut Calc is simple program to calculate the true length of a diagonal such as a strut or landing gear. Just input the non-diagonal values from the drawing or from the model.

Safe Torque will calculate the “safe” torque potential for a rubber motor when given the rubber width and number of strands.  It will accommodate motors where there are two different rubber widths (for example a loop of 1/8″ plus a loop of 3/16″).

CG-TVo will help the designer or modeler determine the location of the Center of Gravity of a model, given four data points:  Wing Span, Wing Area, H-Stab Area, and Tail Moment.

Density is a calculator that will provide the density of a block or sheet (or stick) of balsa (well, maybe anything) when you input the Weight (in grams) and the Length, Width, and Thickness of the item.

2 Responses to Calculators

  1. Too wet to do much here today, so I’m CADing on a Pnut Avro Avian, and it suddenly crossed my mind how much time, aggravation, cut-‘n-try, fiddling, and overall PITA your various calculators have saved me.

    Many thanks for sharing them with the community – especially the cone and strut calculators.

    • Bredehoft says:

      Thanks, John. As you can probably tell, they are old code – but old code doesn’t mean bad code! I’m glad some can find them useful. –george

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