Monthly Archives: March 2019

8thYEAR – Discount Code plus another New Product!

It’s that time of year again! April 1st starts our 8th Year. Take advantage of a 10% Discount on ALL products on the web site by using this code during checkout: 8thYEAR (copy and paste for best results). The discount … Continue reading

Posted in Customers, Events, Products | 2 Comments

New Products for March

It never ends here in rural Michigan.  I’ve finished up the Falcon Special II Short Kit and have a full range of 3D Printed Stuffer Stick Ends and matching Bobbins. Stuffer Ends are sold as singles; the Bobbins are sold … Continue reading

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A Busy Day!

Today seemed like work, work, work – with no stopping.  I packed orders and got them out the door, but that is nothing new.  Today, I… designed and laser-cut and built a formed blade pitch jig designed and 3D printed … Continue reading

Posted in Builds, Products | 2 Comments

New Blog Article – Peanut Falcon Special II

I wrote up a LONG article on my new Peanut Falcon Special II, complete with all the Build photos and an old editorial written by Russ Brown from the Cleveland club.  I have the article posted as a “page” rather … Continue reading

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