850 FREE – Free Flight Articles – PFFT

Updated 25 Oct 2018

In late 2015, the Pensacola Free Flight Team (a club – known as PFFT) decided to disband.  This was due to the loss of their flying site and member attrition and other considerations.  Clubs come and go, but this had an impact on many modelers as their newsletter editor, George White, maintained a large library of Free flight hints and tips that appeared in their newsletter over the many years.  Many were reprints from other newsletters, but the value was the consolidated collection; modelers could count on going to the PFFT web site and researching the problem du jour.  With the closing of the club came the closing of the website.  I volunteered to be one of the websites that would replicate their library so the information would not be lost (I believe the NFFS site also maintains the library).  So, below are the contents – through 2015 – of the PFFT Library – over 850 articles.  (If you find any broken links,let me know.)  First, the intro as it was seen on the PFFT site:

Index of Thermalier Articles

For those of our readers, who like your friendly editor, can’t recall where that article we wanted to look up later got filed, here’s a list of the articles published during the past several years. The list will be updated in January of each year to add the articles from the previous year. The date of the issue in which the article was published is shown in the other column. Each issue covers two months, hence the hyphenated month numbers.
Should you wish to download any specific article, simply click on the name of the article and it will be delivered to your desktop in .PDF format, which you will be able to view and/or print using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

We owe a special thanks to the editors of a lot of newsletters, together with their contributing authors, as well as the contributors to the Thermalier, for these articles. In every article for which we could find the author and/or the publisher, they are recognized.


.020 Cox Engine Tuning – Date:2015
.020 TD Tank Fix – Date: 5-6/08
1/2A Erratic Running – Date: 9-10/13
1/2A Texaco Glow Plugs – Date: 5-6/06
1/2A Texaco Tinkering – Date: 5-6/04
1/2A Tuning Tip #27 – Date: 5-6/06
1/2A, 1/4A Tuning Tips – Date: 7-8/00
ABC Engines, ABCs Of – Date: 2/06
Aerodynamics History – Date: 7/8-14
Air Brush, Mouth Operated – Date: 7-8/13
Air Brushing by Schlosberg, Part 2 – Date: 11-12/08
Airbrush Markings – Date: 1-2/03
Airfoil Thickness, Where Max? – Date: 3/4/06
Airfoil, Davis, calculating – Date: 9-10/05
Airfoil, Symmetrical, Defense of – Date: 9-10/05
Alkaline Battery Comparison – Date: 9-10/02
All American Rubber Model – Date: 2/06
Aluminum Tube Bending – Date: 3-4/07
Aluminum Tube Bending, More – Date: 9-10/10
Ambroid Glue History – Date: 5-6/13
Ambroid Wisdom – Date:7-8/09
Ambroid, Green – Date: 9-10/05
Artists Chalk, Paint Matching – Date: 5-6/06
Axle Mounting – Date: 3-4/10
Balancing Device for Model – Date: 3-4/02
Balancing Weights, Attaching – Date: 1-2/03
Ballast Clay – Date: 9/10-14
Balsa Dowels – Date: 1-2/12
Balsa Foam – Date:2015
Balsa Grain Chart – Date: 5-6/02
Balsa Shaping – Date: 3/4/06
Balsa Sheets, Tip for Thinning – Date: 5-6/03
Balsa Story – Date: 11-12/08
Balsa Strip Bending – Date: 3-4/08
Balsa Weight Chart – Date: 11-12/04
Balsa Weight, Tips on Selecting – Date: 1-2/03
Balsa, Wind Checked – Date: 7-8/07
Bamboo Tips for Old Timers – Date: 3-4/03
Bamboo Uses – Date: 1-2/13
Bamboo, Bending, Etc – Date: 5-6/07
Bandsaw, Making Clean Cuts – Date: 5-6/03
Basswood by Tom Arnold – Date: 7-8/04
Basswood For Models – Date: 11-12/10
Basswood, Bending and Laminating – Date: 11-12/05
Battery Tester, More – Date: 7-8/07
Bending Balsa and Bamboo – Date: 1-2/05
Bent Wood Parts – Date: 5-6/10
Biplane Decalage by Dave Rees – Date: 2015
Biplane Gap & Stagger – Date: 2018
Biplane Incidence Jig – Date: 3-4/10
Biplane Setup – Date: 7/8-14
Biplane Virtues – Stott – Date: 2018
Biplane Wing Attachment – Date: 3/4-14
Biplane Wing Setting Jig – Date: 5-6/09
Blast Tube, Latching – Date:11-12/12
Blast Tubes, Custom – Date: 1-2/12
Blast Tubes, Indestructible – Date: 5-6/13
Blast Tubing Source – Date: 3/4/06
Blast Tubing, Clear Plastic – Date: 7-8/1-
Blue Foam, A Better Kind – Date: 9-10/04
Bostonian Prop – Nassise – Date: 2018
Box Fuselages, The Case Against – Date: 5-6/12
Boxes, Lightweight – Date: 11-12/10
Braiding, Lost Turns From – Date: 7-8/06
Brown Jr. Engines, Running – Date: 9-10/06
Bubble Machines – Date: 1-2/06
BudKicker – Date: 7/8-14
Building Board, Bringing Order – Date: 7-8/04
Building Board, Different Kind – Date: 11-12/08
Building Hints – Date:01/09
Building Light – Date:2011
Building Tips – Date: 7-8/09
Building Tips from Bakay – Date: 9-10/10
Bulkheads, Dinner Plate – Date: 7-8/02
Button Timer Source – Date: 7/8-14
Button Timer Springs – Date: 3-4/13
CA Accelerators & Debonders – Nassise – Date: 2018
CA Applicator, Tiny – Date: 11-12/10
CA Bottles, Unclogging – Date: 7-8/12
CA Bottles, Unplugged – Date: 9-10/12
CA Glue, More On – Date: 5-6/06
CA Glue, Use & Preservation – Date: 7-8/04
CA Glue, Why Use It – Date: 2/06
Camel, Revolutionary – Date: 1-2/10
Camouflage Painting – Date: 9-10/10
Cane Reed For Model Building – Date: 11-12/08
Canopies, Making – Date: 3/4/06
Canopies, Marking and Fitting – Date: 11-12/04
Canopy Frames From Tissue – Date:2015
Canopy Framing – Date: 5-6/09
Canopy Framing, Chris Parent Method – Date:7-8/12
Canopy Framing, More – Date: 7-8/10
Canopy Molding Simlified – Date: 1/07
Canopy Tips – Date: 1-2/10
Capacitor for Electric FF – Date: 3-4/07
Carbon Fiber Adhesion – Date: 11-12/08
Carbon Fiber For Scale Models – Date: 1-2/10
Carbon Fiber Uses – Date: 11-12/09
Carving Blade, Ease to Find – Date:2015
Cat Glider Launching Stick – Date: 1-2/02
Cat Glider Max Handle – Date: 9-10/09
Cat Glider Primer – Date: 1-2/12
Cat Glider Stick – Date: 5-6/08
CAT Gliders – Simpers – Date: 2018
Cement Dispensing Bottles – Date: 5-6/07
CG Determination – Date: 9-10/12
CG Setting By Sroll – Date: 1-2/09
CG, Calculating Optimum – Date: 7-8/04
CG, Keeping Forward – Date: 3-4/13
Check List for Newbies – Date: 3-4/09
Circle Cutter – Date: 11-12/12
Clamps From Bobby Pins – Date: 3-4/13
Clamps from Clothes Pins – Date:2015
Clamps From the Hair Salon – Date: 9-10/12
Climbing Turn or Roll – More – Date:2015
Cloud Tramp Building Tip – Date: 7-8/06
Cockpit Coaming – Date: 5-6/07
Cockpit Coaming, More – Date: 1-2/13
Cockpit Instruments – Date:2015
Cold Engine Starting – Date:1/2-14
Color Trim Secrets More – Date: 11-12/02
Color Trim, Burton’s Secrets – Date: 9-10/02
Colored Tissue, Making – Date: 9/10-14
Comet Dimers – Date: 1-2/10
Condenser Paper Adhesive – Date:2011
Condenser Paper Dyeing – Date: 9-10/12
Control Surface Outlines – Date: 9-10/10
Covering Compound Curves – Date: 1-2/09
Covering FF Models – Nassise – Date: 2018
Covering Material Weights – Date: 1-2/03
Covering with Balsaloc Glue – Date: 7-8/13
Cowl Bump Making – Date:2015
Cowl Bumps – Date: 1-2/08
Cowl Bumps Made Simple – Date:2011
Cowl Bumps-More – Date:2011
Cowl Louvers, Making – Date: 3-4/12
Cox .020 Engine Tuning – Date: 3/4-14
Cox Engines and Castor Oil – Date: 3-4/10
Cox Needle Valve Extensions – Date: 11-12/02
Cracked Rib Mods by Isermann – Date:2011
Cracked Sheet Balsa Repair – Date: 9-10/02
Craft Shop Acrylics for Painting – Date: 11-12/05
Craft Sticks for Jigs – Date: 7/8/05
Crocket Hook, Won’t Turn Sideways – Date: 3-4/05
Crocket Hooks, Soft – Date: 5/6-14
Cylinder Removal Technique – Date: 5/6-14
Decal Material, New – Date: 1-2/13
Decalage, Calculating – Date: 3-4/04
Decals, Computer Generated – Date: 11-12/04
Decals, Poor Man’s – Date: 5-6/08
Decals, The Art of Applying – Date: 11-12/06
Decimal to Fraction Conversion – Date: 9-10/05
Dental Bands, Strong, Source – Date: 9-10/13
Design Master Floral Paint – Date: 1-2/03
Design Principles, Old Timer – Date: 9-10/08
Dethermalizer, Tube in a Tube – Date: 5-6/04
Dihedral Breaks, Cutting – Date: 9-10/10
Dihedral Considerations – Date:2015
Dihedral Joint, Covering – Date: 11-12/04
Dihedral Rib Jig – Date: 3-4/08
Directional Stability – Date: 2/07
Dope Brush Care – Date: 11-12/09
Dope, Jack Jella on – Date: 5-6/02
Dope, Why It Blushes – Date: 5-6/04
Dowels, Center Drilling – Date: 5-6/06
Dowels, Centering a Hole In – Date: 5-6/07
Dowels, Centering a Hole In – another method – Date: 10/18
Dowels, Centering a Hole – Yet another method – Date: 2018
Downthrust, Grant Discussion – Date: 2/07
Drag & Blockage Effects – Date: 11-12/13
Drag, Notes on – Date: 1-2/04
DT Bellcrank – Date: 7/8-14
DT Fuse Consistency – Date: 9-10/09
DT Fuse Lighter – Date: 2011
DT Fuse Technique – Date:2015
DT Fuse Tip – Date: 1-2/04
DT Setup with Button Timer – Date:2011
DT System by Isermann – Date: 7/8-14
DT Using Landing Gear – Date: 11-12/04
DT, Button Type Mounting – Date: 3-4/05
DT, Cat Glider – Date: 3-4/04
DT, Pop up Tail – Date: 11-12/04
DT, Pop-off Wing for P-30 – Date: 3-4/05
DT, Pop-up Wing – Date: 7-8/13
DT, Pop-up Wing by Carney – Date: 11-12/13
DT, Silly Putty Timers, Again – Date: 5-6/05
Duco Glue Demise – Date: 5-6/09
Duke’s Fuel Mixture – Date: 3-4/02
Duration Through Weight Saving – Date: 3-4/09
E-36 Power System Primer – Date: 5-6/12
Ed Lidgard Tips – Date: 7-8/04
Electric FF Motor Controllers – Date: 7-8/06
Electric FF Motors, Small – Date:2011
Electric Power Basics – Date: 5-6/03
Elliptical Wing Area,Calculating – Date: 5-6/06
Engine Cleaning, Easy – Date: 3-4/10
Engine Comments – Date: 3-4/03
Engine Crud, Removing – Date: 11-12/08
Engine Cylinder Plier Marks – Date: 5-6/10
Engine Cylinders, Making – Date: 3-4/12
Engine Head Removal – Date: 1-2/09
Engine Head Removal – Date:1-2/09
Engine Running , Shop Prep – Date: 11-12/04
Engine Start, One Flip – Date: 11-12/03
Engine, ,Crudded Cleaning Of – Date: 9-10/06
Engineering, Best Vs. Dirty – Date: 11-12/07
Engines, Loosening Stuck – Date: 11-12/10
Engines, Stuck, Freeing – Date: 1-2/10
Engines, Unsticking – Date: 3-4/08
Enlarging 3 Views to Plan Size – Date: 11-12/06
Epoxy Debonding – Date:2011
Epoxy, Coloring – Date: 5-6/05
Exacto Blades, Keeping Sharp – Date: 9-10/05
Exhaust Details, Scale – Date: 1/07
Exhaust Soot Marks – Date: 7=8/10
FAI Model Supply – Date: 1/2-14
Fiberglass Substitute – Date: 1/07
Fiberglass, Cutting – Date: 9-10/06
Fiberglass, Cutting Light, More – Date: 1/07
Fiddly Bits, Making – Date: 5/6-14
Field Charge Connections – Date: 5-6/10
Fillets & Flashing – Date: 5-6/08
Fillets From Art Paper – Date: 9-10/09
Film Covering – Date: 5-6/13
Finish, Opaque on Scale Models – Date: 1-2/08
Finish, Silver, Light Weight – Date: 1-2/12
Finishing Techniques by Gene Smith – Date: 1-2/03
Finishing, Another Approach – Date: 11-12/09
Flight Trimming for Non-Purists – Date: 11-12/07
Flying Surfaces, Warp Free – Date: 11-12/07
Foam Slicer – Date: 7/8/05
Foam Wheels, Making – Date: 1/07
Foam Wheels, Making Dowel Center – Date: 5-6/05
Foam, Making Things With – Date: 7/8/05
Foam, Sanding – Date: 11-12/10
Fokker Sub Wings – Date: 1-2/06
Fokker Triplane, Megow’s – Date: 3-4/12
Folding Prop Hinge Drilling – Date:2015
Forward Fins by Tom Arnold – Date: 1-2/05
Framing Without Stress – Date:2015
Free Flight Rules of Thumb – Date:2015
Free Wheeling Ideas from Experts – Date: 1-2/04
Freeflight Expert – Date: 7/8-14
FreeFlight Resource Compendium – Date: 5-6/02
Freewheel Concepts, More – Date: 3-4/08
Freewheel Drive, by Bill Duke – Date:2011
Freewheel with a Wheel Collar – Date: 9-10/08
Freewheel With Plastic Prop – Date: 5-6/09
Freewheel With Plastic Prop, Even More – Date: 9-10/10
Freewheel With Plastic Prop, More – Date: 5-6/08
Freewheel With Spinner – Date: 3-4/09
Freewheel, by Jack Phelps – Date: 3-4/12
Freewheel, by McHard – Date:2011
Freewheel, Garami Mods – Date:2011
Freewheel, Nason, More – Date: 9-10/12
Freewheel, Simple – Date: 3-4/12
Freewheel, Solderless – Date: 9-10/13
Freewheel, Solderless for P-30 – Date: 7-8/10
Freewheel, Stew Meyers’ – Date:2011
Freewheel, Struck Ramp – Date: 7-8/08
Freewheel, Struck Type, More – Date: 1-2/10
Freewheel, Yet Another – Date: 3-4/10
Freewheeler Rig by Bob McLellon – Date: 9-10/03
Freewheeling Device – Date: 9/10-14
Freewheeling Ideas by Nason – Date: 9-10/06
Fuel Filter/Plug Combination – Date:2011
Fuel Pacifiers, Substitute – Date: 7-8/04
Fuel Proofing – Date: 1-2/03
Fuel Tanks, Custom – Date: 3-4/12
Fuel, Shelf Life – Date: 7-8/99
Fuse DT, Rubber Bands for – Date:2011
Fuse Lighter, Another Source – Date: 11-12/13
Fuse Lighter, Cheap – Date: 3-4/08
Fuse Lighter, Reliable – Date: 5-6/13
Fuselage Alignment – Date: 1-2/08
Fuselage Formers Using Reed – Date: 1-2/12
Fuselage Sides, Making Identical – Date: 11-12/05
Fuselage Squaring Jig – Date: 3-4/12
Fuselage Tubes, Balsa, Two Ply – Date: 5-6/06
Fuselage, Rolled, Alignment – Date: 3-4/13
Future Floor Wax Finish on Tissue – Date: 11-12/08
Gap Filling Material – Date: 5-6/04
Gaskets, Using RTV – Date: 11-12/10
Geezer Nose Button Thoughts – Date:2015
German Markings – Date: 11-12/13
Gizmo Geezer Mod for Large Motors – Date:2011
Glider Bud Kicker – Date: 1-2/04
Glider Plan Mk XIII – Date: 1-2/04
Glider Theory – Y Tails – Date:2011
Glider Towing, Safer – Date:2015
Glider Trimming Aid – Date: 1-2/12
Glider, HL & Cat Primer – Date: 9-10/04
Glider, Tip Launch Analysis – Date: 5-6/13
Gliders By Buddenbohm – Date: 7-8/09
Gliders, Discus Launch – Date: 9-10/07
Glow Plug Failure Analysis – Date: 9-10/09
Glow Plug Failure, Why? – Date: 9-10/05
Glow Plug Problems – Date: 7-8/08
Glue Better Than CA – Date: 3-4/04
Glue Bottle, Handy – Date:2011
Glue Bottles, Small, Source – Date: 1-2/06
Glue Control With Hypo Needles – Date: 7-8/13
Glue Shelf Life Codes – Date: 7-8/03
Glue Sticks – Date: 5-6/13
Glue Sticks, Keeping Fresh – Date:2011
Glue Sticks, More – Date: 7-8/13
Glue Sticks, Purple – Date: 1-2/13
Glue, PVA – Date:2015
Glue, Spreading of – Date: 9-10/05
Glues, Different Views – Date: 3/4/06
Gollywock, Original – Date: 5-6/08
Gollywock, Wally Simmers – Date: 5-6/08
Gorilla Glue – Date: 7-8/04
Grams to Ounces Chart – Date: 1-2/03
Graphics Using a Mac – Date: 7/8-14
Guillows Kits, Building to Fly – Date: 3-4/03
Gurney Flap – Date: 9-10/06
Gurney Flap History – Date: 3-4/07
Gurney Flap In Use – Date: 3-4/08
Gurney Flaps & Airfoils – Date:2015
Gusset Sander – Date: 11-12/07
Gussets Made Strong – Date: 11-12/08
Gussets, Purposes & Application – Date: 9-10/04
Hand Launched Glider Airfoils, Part 1 – Date: 1-2/10
Hand Launched Glider Airfoils, Part 2 – Date: 11-12/10
Hand Launched Glider Finishing – Date: 5-6/07
Hand Launched Glider, Whistler – Date: 7-8/03
Hand Launched Gliders, Random Notes – Date: 1-2/02
Hand Launched Gliders, Trimming – Date: 1-2/02
Harbor Freight Model Power Systems – Date: 3-4/04
Harbor Freight Models, Comments – Date: 11-12/03
Harbor Freight, Freeflight – Date: 5-6/03
High vs. Low Wing Performance – Date:2015
Hi-Start Glider Techniques – Date:2015
Hi-Start Revisited – Date: 3-4/05
HL Glider Trimming – Date:2015
HLG – Old vs. Modern – Date: 2018
HLD & CLG Glider Tips – Date:2015
Hook Knotting Solution – Date: 5-6/02
Hook-up Wire, Small Gauge – Date: 1-2/05
Ideas, Clever – Date: 5-612
Ignition Coil, Test of New One – Date: 11-12/07
Ignition Engine Coils – Date: 3-4/13
Ignition Hi-Tension Emergency – Date: 1-2/06
Ignition Problem Rarely Mentioned – Date: 11-12/12
Ignition Systems by Riese – Date: 9-10/06
Ignition Systems, More – Date: 9-10/07
Incidence Adjusting Made Easy – Date: 7/8/05
Incidence Angles for Scratch Builders – Date: 2/06
Incidence Angles for Wing & Stab – Date: 3-4/12
Incidence Pointer, Making – Date: 7-8/02
Incidence, Getting Suckered On – Date: 3/4/06
India Ink for Coloring – Date:2011
Indoor Film Covering – Date:2011
Indoor Prop Carving – Date: 3-4/13
Indoor Props, Making – Date: 9/10-14
Indoor Rubber Problems – Date: 1-2/13
Indoor Thrust Line Adjustment – Date: 3-4/08
Indoor Torque Meter – Date:2015
Indoor Trimming – Date:2011
Indoor Winding – Date: 3-4/13
Indoor Wing Covering – Date: 7-8/08
Ink Coloring by Isermann – Date:2011
Ink, Waterproofing on Tissue – Date:2011
Inkjet Printers – Date:2011
Insignia & Markings, Creating – Date: 5-6/07
Insignia Source – Date: 7-8/13
Instrument Panel, Realistic – Date:2011
Japanese Tissue for Power Models – Date: 3-4/04
Jet Cat Assembly Jig – Date: 5/6-14
Jet Cat Gliders by Gary Morton – Date: 3-4/13
Jet Cat Gliders by Nippert – Date: 5/6-14
Jet Cat Gliders by Rich Weber – Date: 1-2/13
Jet Cat Gliders, by Nassise – Date: 1-2/12
Jet Cat Gliders, by Wally Farrell – Date: 9-10/12
Jet Cat, Indoor – Date:2015
Jimmy Allen Characteristics – Date: 5-6/02
Jimmy Allen History & List – Date: 7-8/03
Jimmy Allen Skokie, Don Ross Comments – Date: 3-4/03
Knot for Lubed Rubber Motor – Date: 1/2-14
Korda Towline Glider Plan – Date: 9-10/03
Korda Towling Glider Rudder – Date: 9-10/03
Krylon Crystal Clear Instead of Dope – Date: 5-6/02
Laminated Surface Outlines – Date: 11-12/07
Laminating Outlines – Date: 1-2/06
Laminating Outlines, More – Date: 5-6/13
Lamination Strips, Making Easily – Date: 5-6/05
Landing Gear Attachment, Another – Date: 1-2/05
Landing Gear Bending – Date: 11-12/08
Landing Gear Bending, More – Date: 9-10/12
Landing Gear Hints by Isaacks – Date: 11-12/06
Landing Gear Ideas – Date:2011
Landing Gear, Attach with Magnets – Date: 5-6/04
Landing Gear, Covering – Date: 5-6/09
Landing Gear, Crash Proof – Date: 5-6/09
Landing Gear, Dual Strut – Date: 2/07
Landing Gear, Finding True Length – Date: 1-2/05
Landing Gear, Removable by Kothe – Date: 1-2/03
Lateral Stability – Date: 2/07
Launch Speed – Date: 1/07
Lazer Parts, Cleaning – Date: 1-2/12
LE & TE Shaping – Date: 7/8-14
Leading Edge Sander – Date: 11-12/07
Leading Edge Sanding – Date: 5-6/06
Leading Edge Shapes – Date: 11-12/07
Leading/Trailing Edges, Sanding – Date: 1-2/05
Lettering, Small, on Tissue – Date: 3-4/07
Lettering, Small, Thoughts on – Date: 7-8/07
Lettering, Vinyl – Date: 7-8/10
Lidgard Tips – Date: 1-2/10
Lift Article – Date: 1-2/08
Lift Efficiency, Biplane & Triplane – Date: 1/07
Lift Production – Date:11/12-14
Lift Production in FF Wings – Date:2015
Lifting Stab Myth – Date: 3-4/10
Lighter Scale Models, Building – Date:11/12-14
Lines, Drawing on Dark Tissue – Date: 7-8/07
Lithium Battery Capacity Loss – Date: 1/07
Locator Transmitter Tubes – Date:2011
Locktite Info – Date:2011
Longerons With Tight Curves – Date: 7/8-14
Longitudinal Stability – Date: 2/07
Low Wing Attachment/ Magnets – Date: 11-12/04
Low Wing Flying – Date: 1-2/06
Low Wing Models, Flying – Date: 9-10/08
Lube Oil For Gas Engines – Date:2015
Lube, Rationale – Date: 7-8/10
Magnetic Building Board – Date: 5-6/05
Magnetic Building Boards, More – Date: 7-8/07
Magnets for Building Boards – Date: 3-4/08
Magnets, Powerful,Light,Cheap – Date: 3-4/04
Markings For Your Model – Date: 3/4/06
Markings, Civil – Date: 1-2/12
Masking From the Pantry – Date: 3-4/10
Masking Tape Tips – Date: 11-12/03
Masking Tape, More Sources – Date: 7-8/04
Masking Tape, Non-Bleeding – Date: 11-12/12
Masking Tape, Non-Bleeding, More – Date: 1-2/13
Masking with Glad PressNSeal – Date: 7-8/07
Mass Launch Advice – Date: 9-10/12
Mass Launch Tips – Date: 9-10/12
McCoy Backward Needle Valves – Date: 11-12/05
Me109 Article by Henn – Date: 11-12/12
Mid-Wing Attachment, More – Date: 3-4/10
Mid-Wing Detachment – Date: 7-8/06
Model Box From UPS – Date: 7-8/06
Model Box, Building in 20 Min. – Date: 5-6/06
Model Boxes, Using Foam – Date: 9-10/05
Model Trim Vs. Speed – Date: 9/10-14
MoffettTrophy History – Date: 7-8/03
Molding With Carbon Veil – Date: 7-8/09
Monofilament, Tying a Loop – Date: 9-10/06
Motor Knots, Non-Slip – Date: 11-12/04
Motor Loading, Easy – Date: 1-12/12
Motor Peg Sleeve Source – Date: 2/06
Motor Size Estimating, More – Date:2015
Motor Size for New Model – Date: 9-10/05
Motor Stuffer, Telescoping – Date: 11-12/08
Motor Winding Technique – Date:2011
Motor, Rotating Rear Peg – Date: 3-4/07
Motors With Unequal Cross Sections – Date: 1/2-14
Motors, Winning With 15% – Date: 3-4/09
Mounting a Small Engine – Date: 3/4/06
Music Wire Heat Treating – Date: 1-2/13
Mylar Substrate – Date: 3-4/08
Mylar, Bubbles Underneath – Date: 7-8/08
Needle Valve Extension – Date: 11-12/12
Needle Valve, Small Engines, New – Date: 9-10/07
Nitrate Dope, Notes On – Date:5-6/06
No-Cal For Beginners – Date:11-12/14
No-Cal Missteps – Date: 1-2/12
NOS .020 Dilemma – Date: 3-4/02
Nose Block 101 – Date: 1-2/04
Nose Block Drilling Jig – Date: 1-2/05
Nose Blocks & Buttons – Date:2015
Nose Button, Adjustable – Date:3-4/08
Noseplugs by Isermann – Date: 11-12/13
Noseplugs, With Shotgun Shells – Date: 7-8/07
O&R Engine Tuning Tip #23 – Date:2011
O&R Engine Tuning Tip #24 – Date:2011
O&R Errant Cam Grind – Date: 1-2-3/01
O&R Multi Mounting Schemes – Date: 7-8/00
O&R Parts Service – Date: 5-6/06
Ohlsson Repairs – Date: 11-12/02
Oil, Carter on 70W – Date: 9-10/02
One Blade Prop, Experiment – Date:2015
OOS Flights, Preventing – Date: 5-6/07
O-Rings For Cox Engines – Date: 5-6/06
P-30 Free Wheeling Device – Date: 11-12/04
P-30 Wing DT – Date: 7-8/12
P-30 Wing DT, More – Date: 11-12/12
Pacifier/Party Balloon Fuel Systems – Date: 11-12/06
Pacifiers, Introduction To – Date: 5-6/08
Paint Bottle Opening – Date: 9-20/20
Paint Jars from Avon – Date: 5-6/10
Paint Job Like Sandpaper – Date:2011
Paint, Craft Shop – Date: 1-2/13
Painting With Weird Stuff – Date: 3-4/08
Panel Lines, Tools for drawing – Date: 9-10/05
Paper Mache Parts – Date: 3-4/05
Party Balloon Tank Cautions – Date: 1-2/05
Pastels, Finishing With – Date:2011
Peck Prop Repitching – Date:2015
Peck Prop Repitching – Date: 7-8/10
Peck Prop, Cloning – Date:2015
Peck Prop. Fixing Out of Track – Date:2015
Pendleton Fault Plans – Date: 5-6/02
Performance Tips – Date:2015
PFFT, Origins of – Date: 11-12/98
Pinless Light Building – Date: 11-12/08
Pitch, Roll & Yaw – Date: 1/2-14
Plans, Scaling with Copier – Date: 9-10/05
Plastic Prop Trimming – Date: 11-12/08
Plastic Props, Improving – Date: 7-8/07
Plastic Prop Selection – Brauer – Date: 2018
Plastics, Super Glue For – Date:2011
Pliers, Wire Bending – Date: 1-2/06
Pliers,Wire Bending , Special, Nason – Date:7-8/07
Plunge Molding by Nassise – Date:2011
Polyspan Coloring – Date: 11-12/04
Polyspan Coloring, Even More – Date: 9/10-14
Polyspan Information – Date: 7-8/02
Polyspan, Coloring, More – Date: 5-6/07
Polyspan, House of Kolor Paint for – Date: 7-8/05
Polyspan,Coloring, Another Way – Date: 5-6/05
Pop-Off Wing DT Variation – Date: 7-8/06
Power Flight, Turn Vs Roll – Date: 3-4/10
Power Flight, Turn Vs. Roll, More – Date: 7-8/10
Power Model Adjusting Advice – Date: 1-2/03
Power Model Cleaning – Date: 9-10/03
Power VIT Observations – Date: 11-12/04
Prop Balancer – Date: 5-6/08
Prop Balancer, More – Date: 5-6/13
Prop Blade Section – Date: 1-2/09
Prop Block by DeLoach – Date: 9/10-14
Prop Carver’s Knife – Date: 5-6/07
Prop Carving – Date: 5-6/02
Prop Carving by Karl Geis – Date: 5-6/13
Prop Carving Satisfaction – Date:2015
Prop Carving, Block Dimensions – Date: 5-6/07
Prop Clutch, Plastic – Date: 9-10/07
Prop Design for Beginners – Date: 3-4/05
Prop Design, Larrabee – Date: 7-8/08
Prop From Plastic Bottle – Date: 11-12/09
Prop Holder – Date: 3-4/07
Prop Hook Jig – Date: 5-6/09
Prop Hook, New – Date: 11-12/08
Prop Hook, Reverse S – Date: 7-8/09
Prop Hub Setup – Date: 3-4/08
Prop Molding Made Easy – Date: 11-12/05
Prop Pitch, Picturing – Date: 11-12/03
Prop Shaft, the .047 – Date: 9-10/07
Prop Thrust, Factors Controlling – Date: 1-2/05
Prop vs Motor Combinations – Date:2011
Prop, Bill Henn’s Favorite – Date: 9-10/07
Prop, Multibladed, Making – Date:2011
Prop, Plastic – selecting – Date:2018
Prop, Plastic, Three Blade – Date: 9/10-14
Prop, Three Blade – Date:2015
Propeller Theory – Date: 7-8/12
Props For Outdoor Rubber – Date:2015
Props, Balsa Folding, Carving – Date: 9-10/07
Props, Bill Henn’s for Scale – Date:2011
Props, Black Art of Carving/Calculating – Date: 7/8/05
Props, Black Art of Carving/Pitch – More – Date:9-10/05
Props, By Isermann – Date: 3-4/07
Props, Fiberglassing – Date:2011
Props, From Food Containers – Date:2011
Props, How They Work by Zaic – Date: 3-4/0
Props, LaminatedSlat – Date: 1-2/09
Props, Larrabee Planform – Date: 11-12/07
Props,Hypotwisted – Date: 1-2/08
PVA Glues – Date: 3/4-14
Radial Engine Mounts – Date: 2/06
Razor Blades, Cheap Source – Date: 11-12/13
Rear Motor Peg Retention, More – Date: 11-12/10
Rear Motor Peg, Taming – Date: 5-6/10
Rear Motor Pegs, Rotating – Date: 7-8/06
Rear Peg Retention – Date: 3-4/04
Rear Peg, Wobbly, More – Date:2011
Retrieval, Calculating Walking Distance – Date: 11-12/05
Rib Cutting Template – Date: 11-12/02
Ribs, Laminating – Date: 1-2/13
Ribs, Making Perfect Ones – Date: 3-4/03
Ribs, Sliced, Templates for – Date: 9-10/05
Rigging, How To – Date: 5-6/12
Rocket City Pin Clamps, Making – Date: 11-12/04
Root Rib Dihedral Setting – Date: 1-2/13
Round Fuselage Covering – Date: 5-6/08
Round Fuselage Tissuing – Date:2011
Round Things, Drilling Holes in – Date: 11-12/04
Roundels, WWI, Making – Date:2015
Rubber Energy – Date: 9-10/02
Rubber Info, Good – Date:2015
Rubber Knot Positioning – Date: 1-2/08
Rubber Lube – Date:2015
Rubber Lube, Better – Date: 1-2/05
Rubber Lube, New – Date: 3-4/08
Rubber Lubing Effects – Date: 9-10/13
Rubber Lubricants Compared – Date: 9-10/02
Rubber Model, Adjusting – Date: 3-4/04
Rubber Models, Basic Building Rules – Date: 5-6/03
Rubber Motor Length, Estimating – Date:2011
Rubber Motor Lubes – Date: 11-12/03
Rubber Motor Size Calculator – Date: 7-8/10
Rubber Motor Size, Choosing – Date: 11-12/06
Rubber Motor Size, Estimating – Date: 9-10/09
Rubber Motor Sizing – Date:2015
Rubber Motor Strands & Lubes – Date: 7-8/07
Rubber Motor Stripping – Date:2011
Rubber Motor Winding – Date:2015
Rubber Motor, Getting Maximum – Date:2015
Rubber Motor, Lubed, Tying – Date: 9-10/06
Rubber Motor, Lubed, Tying, More – Date: 3/4/07
Rubber Motor, Spool Fed – Date: 3-4/10
Rubber Motor,Getting Max – Date: 5-6/05
Rubber Motors for Specific Models – Date: 7-8/03
Rubber Motors, Asymmetric – Date: 5-6/09
Rubber Motors, Braiding – Date: 3-4/03
Rubber Motors, Braiding for Competition – Date: 11-12/10
Rubber Motors, Braiding One Loop – Date: 7-8/07
Rubber Motors, Braiding, More – Date: 1-2-3/01
Rubber Motors, Outdoor Scale – Date: 1-2/13
Rubber Motors, Storing – Date: 3-4/04
Rubber Motors, Stretch Winding – Date: 7-8/07
Rubber Motors, Stretching – Date: 3-4/12
Rubber Motors, Tension Winding – Date: 5-6/07
Rubber Motors, Test Winding – Date: 9-10/07
Rubber Motors, Very Long – Date: 7-8/06
Rubber Motors, Weighing – Date: 9-10/08
Rubber Motors, Winding to Torque – Date: 11-12/13
Rubber Scale Flying by DeLoach – Date:2015
Rubber Stretch Vs. Torque – Date: 1/2-14
Rubber Test, Quick – Date: 9-10/03
Rubber, Lube & Strand Data – Date: 3-4/12
Rubber, Lubed, Knot Tying – Date: 5-6/12
Rubber, Technical Tips – Date: 7-/8/05
Rubber, Winding to Max – Date: 7-8/04
Rubber,Case for Single Loops – Date: 9-10/04
Rubber,More Energy From Housekeeping – Date: 1-2/04
Rudder Fairings – Date: 3-4/10
Rudder Markings, Military – Date: 1-2/05
Sanding Block, Adjustable – Date: 1/07
Sanding Blocks, Making – Date: 9-10/02
Sanding Square – Date: 5-6/09
Sanding Supplies – Date: 3-4/08
Sanding Tool From Toothbrush – Date:2015
Sandpaper Source Recommendation – Date: 7-8/09
Saw, Flush Cut, New – Date: 9-10/07
Scale Details – Date: 9-10/12
Scale Models, Flight Trimming – Date: 5-6/03
Scale Models, Neglected Areas – Date: 9-10/10
Scale Rubber Twins – Date: 5-6/10
Scale Wheels, Simple – Date: 1-2/09
Scale Winder Counter – Date: 3-4/04
Scale Winder Counter2 – Date: 1-2/08
Scaling Model Plans – Date: 3-4/09
Scaling, Some Effects of – Date: 7-8/05
Seaplane Conversion – Date:2011
Senator DT, Mea Culpa – Date: 11-12/06
Senator, A DT For – Date: 7-8/06
Senator, Mulvihill DT – Date: 7-8/06
Sheet Balsa Model Tips – Date:2015
Shipping Models – Date: 5-6/09
Shock Absorbing Detachable LG – Date:2015
S-Hook, Making – Date: 5-6/12
S-Hooks & O-Rings – Date: 5-6/06
Short Motors for Flight Trimming – Date:2015
Silk & Dope Technique by Jella – Date: 7-8/02
Silk & Tissue Over Mylar – Date: 1-2/08
Silly Putty Timer,Cat Glider – Date: 3-4/04
Silver Spray Technique – Date: 1-2/03
Sliced Ribs, Making – Date: 9-10/04
Small Rubber Stick, Advantages of – Date: 11-12/05
Smarty Fuel Proofing – Date: 11-12/04
Solder Flux, Non-Corroding – Date: 11-12/05
Soldering Advice – Date: 11/12-14
Soldering Clinic – Date: 5-6/09
Soldering Wire Joints – Date: 1-2/09
Spark Plugs, Champion – Date: 9-10/10
Spark Plugs, Cleaning – Date: 5-6/06
Sparky Prop, Carving – Date: 3-4/12
Sparky, Notes on Buildin – Date: g3-4/02
Spars & Longeron Repair – Date: 1-2/05
Spars, Aluminum Tube – Date: 1-2/03
Spinner Clutch – Date: 9-10/07
Spinners Made Easy – Date: 5-6/06
Spinners, Chrome, Eye Popping – Date: 1-2/12
Split Blast Tubes – Date: 7-8/05
Spoke Wheels, Ways to Make – Date: 5/6-14
Spoked Wheels, Making – Date:2015
Spray Can Aid – Date: 7-8/12
Spray Can Modifications – Date: 9-10/05
Spray Gun, Preval Sprayer Substitute – Date: 3-4/05
Spring Making by Rex Hinson – Date: 9-10/13
Spring Source – Date: 1/2-14
Spring Winder, Poor Man’s – Date: 7-8/12
Springs for Button Timers – Date: 3-4/13
Springs, Making Your Own – Date: 5-6/05
Stab & Fin Size Vs Stability – Date: 1/2-14
Stab DTs Engineering – Date: 5/6-14
Stab Hold Down – Date: 1-2/08
Stab Hold Down for Scale – Date: 3-4/13
Stab Sections for Small Models – Date: 9-10/07
Stab Size Consideration – Date: 1-2/06
Stab Warping Solutions – Date:2011
Stab, Adjustable – Date: 7-8/13
Stab. Leveling – Date: 5-6/05
Stability Article – Date: 11-12/05
Stability, Spiral – Date: 7-8/12
Stale Glow Fuel – Date: 1-2/04
Stalled Electric Motors, Preventing – Date: 1-2/05
Starter Boxes & Switches – Date: 7-8/04
Starter, Take It Easy With – Date: 1-2/06
Stooge Cord, Visible – Date: 1/2-14
Stooge, Pensacola Style – Date: 1-2/09
Stringer Notcher – Date: 7-8/12
Stringers, Getting Straight – Date:2011
Strip Wood from Easy Built – Date:2015
Stripping Balsa – Date: 9-10/06
Strut Connections, Strong – Date:2011
Strut Mounts, Final Assembly – Date: 11-12/10
Stuffing Stick Idea – Date: 11/12-14
Super Glue, The Story of – Date: 9-10/04
Super Sport Rubber Comments – Date:2015
Symmetrical Airfoils, Notes On – Date: 1-2/06
Tail Aerodynamics – Date: 3/4/06
Tail Surfaces, Enlarging – Date: 11-12/03
Tail Surfaces, Fragile, Covering – Date:2011
Tail Volume Calculation – Date: 9-10/12
Tail Weight, Saving – Date: 5-6/12
Tap & Drill Table #804B – Date:2015
Tee Dee Tank Problems – Date: 3-4/08
Teflon Thrust Washers – Date: 1-2/05
Thermal Detecting – Date: 9-10/09
Thermal Detecting For Gliders – Date:2011
Thermal Detection Diagrams – Date: 9-10/07
Thermals Described – Date:2011
Thermals, Picking – Date: 5-6/02
Thermic 20 Cat Glider Plan – Date: 3-4/05
Thrust Adjustment – Date: 7-8/08
Thrust Adjustment Device – Date: 1-2/08
Thrust Bearing Setup, Solid – Date: 1-2/10
Thrust Bearing, Blind Nut – Date:2011
Thrust Bearings, Indoor – Date: 3-4/00
Time Distance Chart – Date:2015
Timer for Electric Free Flight – Date: 11-12/02
Timer, Silly Putty – Date:11-12/09
Timers, Cleaning – Date: 7-8/06
Timers, Silly Putty, CatGliders – Date:3-4/04
Tips From Jim Bethea – Date: 9-10/06
Tissue Application, More – Date: 9-10/10
Tissue Applying – Date: 1-2/05
Tissue Attachment With UHU Per Tom Hallman – Date: 3-4/05
Tissue Attachment With UHU,More – Date: 5-6/05
Tissue Covering by Gene Wallock – Date: 1-2-3/01
Tissue Covering Tips – Date: 7-8/03
Tissue Covering Using a Frame – Date: 7-8/05
Tissue Covering, Wet – Date: 1-2/12
Tissue Edges, Cleaning Up – Date: 3-4/13
Tissue Finishes&Weight by Weber – Date: 7-8/09
Tissue Glue, Lightening – Date: 5-6/09
Tissue Insignia – Date: 3-4/08
Tissue Issues – Date: 9-10/06
Tissue Letters, Cutting – Date: 7/8-14
Tissue Letters, Making – Date: 9-10/05
Tissue Markings, Making – Date: 1/2-14
Tissue over Mylar – Date: 1/07
Tissue Over Mylar Covering – Date: 1-2-3/01
Tissue Printing With Ink Jet Printer – Date: 3-4/03
Tissue Repair – Date: 9-10/08
Tissue Shrinkage – Date: 9-10/12
Tissue Stripping Off Models – Date: 1-2/03
Tissue Strips, Making Thin – Date: 7-8/04
Tissue Tips From Hallman – Date: 3-4/10
Tissue Trim, Applying – Date: 9-10/02
Tissue, Finishing With Fade Proof Color – Date: 7-8/09
Tissue, Pastel Chalking – Date: 3-4/99
Tissue, Weights Of – Date: 1-2/06
Tissue, Why It Shrinks – Date: 7-8/07
Torque Meter by Herb Kothe – Date: 1-2/04
Torque Meter For Small Models – Date: 5/6-14
Torque Meter, Why Use? – Date: 11-12/07
Trailing Edge Coloring – Date:2015
Trailing Edge Sanding – Date: 9/10-14
Trailing Edge Sanding Technique – Date: 5-6/05
Trailing Edge Stock – Date: 3-4/09
Trailing Edge, Don’t Fall for Falling – Date: 3-4/05
Trailing Edges, Making Decent Looking – Date: 1-2/04
Transistor Ignition Sources – Date: 9-10/04
Trim, RR Vs RL – Date: 11-12/04
Trimming a Touchy Model – Date: 11-12/03
Trimming Advice by DeLoach – Date: 1/2-14
Trimming by Midkiff – Date: 5-6/06
Trimming for Circle – Date: 11-12/09
Trimming Rubber Models – Date: 1-2/06
Trimming Scale Models – Date: 11-12/10
Trimming Small Scale Models – Date:2011
Trimming Triplanes – Date:2011
Trimming With Short Motors – Date: 7-8/13
Trimming, 10 Steps for Rubber Models – Date: 1-2/06
Trimming, Initial Flight – Date: 5-6/04
Trimming, Missing Link – Date:2015
Trimming, More – Date: 3-4/13
Trimming, More Thoughts – Date:2015
Trimming, Still More – Date: 9-10/13
Tube Bending – Date: 1/2-14
Tube Bending Made Simple – Date: 11-12/05
Tubing for .047 Shafts, Cutting – Date: 11-12/07
Turbulators – Date: 11-12/03
Turbulators, More On – Date: 11-12/04
Turbulators, Thoughts on – Date: 5-6/05
Twin Engine Rubber Scale Models, Two Minute – Date: 7-8/12
Vacuum Molding – Date: 9-10/04
Varnish, Removing from Engines – Date:2015
Vertical Tail Considerations – Date: 5/6-14
Wakefields, Talk About – Date: 9-10/04
Walston Retriever Cautions – Date: 9-10/13
Warp Removal – Date: 9-10/12
Warp Removal on Field – Date: 11-12/10
Warps, Fixing On The Field – Date: 3/4/06
Washout Article – Date: 7-8/08
Wax Paper, Breaking The Habit – Date: 11-12/06
Weather Forecast? – Date: 3/4/06
WenMac .049 Engines – Date: 1-2/08
What to Build – Date: 2/06
Wheels, Balsa, Making – Date: 3-4/12
Wheels, Unreal – Date: 11-12/12
Wheels, Vacuum Formed – Date: 5-6/08
Wheels, WWI – Date: 9-10/09
Wheels, WWI, More – Date: 7-8/10
Winder for Twin Pusher – Date: 3-4/99
Winding Stooge Part – Date: 3/4/06
Windows, Making – Date:2011
Windshield Attachment – Date: 1-2/10
Windshield Beading – Date: 1-2/12
Windshield, Curved, Making – Date:2015
Wing Area Calculation – Date: 9-10/12
Wing Area, Loading and Flight Duration – Date: 5-6/12
Wing Aspect Ratios & Tapering – Date: 2/07
Wing Construction, Building Lighter – Date: 5-6/05
Wing Fillets – Date: 7-8/13
Wing Fillets, Balsa – Date: 5-6/09
Wing Fillets, Easy – Date: 1-2/06
Wing Loading Discussion – Date: 9-10/09
Wing Mount Technique – Date: 11-12/09
Wing Ribs, Stronger – Date:2015
Wing Spar, Scarf Joints – Date: 1/09
Wing Unwarping – Date:2015
Wing, Low, Mounting – Date: 9-10/12
Wings, Building Lightweight,Strong – Date: 5-6/03
Wings, Knock-off – Date: 9-10/09
Wings, Number of – Date: 2018
Wings, Plug In, By Isermann – Date:2011
Wings, Warp Resistant – Date: 2011
Wingtip Stall & Washout – Date: 1-2/06
Wingtips, Knock-off – Date: 3-4/07
Wingtips, Tip on Building – Date: 9-10/06
Wire Bending Without Slack – Date:2015
Wood Bending – Date: 11-12/06
Wood Grain Analysis – Date: 5/6-14
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Plan – Date: 11-12/03
Zip A Do Too Glider – Date: 5-6/06


