Peanut – Ayres Loadmaster

Pres Bruning’s Peanut Ayres Loadmaster
background, build notes, photos, and video.

As I browsed through Pres’ Plans (in the FAC library:, this model always popped up as a possible build. It is relatively simple and clean, is a Peanut (I like Peanuts) and a High Wing without struts (always a good thing!)

When the FAC announced that they would be having a single Mass Launch for any Pres Bruning design (2023 FAC non-Nats, July 2023, Geneseo, NY), I decided that I would finally build this model.  So I gathered all the information that I could from the internet (who uses books these days?) and started to re-draw Pres’ plan.

It turns out that the real plane was a proposal and it was designed for FedEx and it would fit four of their cargo containers withing the large fuselage.  While FedEx was a primary targeted customer, the designers also had other options, including a passenger version on floats.  One prototype was started, but never completed as the company ran into financial trouble.  (jump to Full Scale Documentation)

I decided to stick with the FedEx color scheme that Pres presented.  As I compared his plan to the images that I gathered, I noticed some discrepancies.  It is possible (probable) that he had limited resources back in 2000 when he drew it up (he calls out Air International as his source).  As it was only a proposal, I am sure the reference itself had limited information.

I felt there was a significant change that needed to be made and that was the wing planform.  He showed a large, flat, constant-chord center section and all evidence that I found showed a tapered wing with no constant chord center section.  So, I changed the wing to reflect the currently existing documentation.  I also deepened the belly and shortened the landing gear.  Apart from those changes, I tried to stay true to Pres’ artistic plans and proportions.  I did not change any dimensions regarding size or shape or location of the flying surfaces.  And I kept to his structure (I did move the motor peg forward and added sheet to the nose).

The most challenging part of the model was the covering.  Maybe I am just getting sloppier in my techniques, but because of all the curves on this fuselage, I had many challenges to keep the puckers, wrinkles and sags away – and I wasn’t always successful.

I did design a few new pieces:  I 3D printed both the nose and main landing gears.  And, I assumed that if I could keep the weight close to 10 grams (the weight of my Peanut Corsair) that I could use the same power pack as the Corsair:  a 3D printed 4-blade prop and a loop of 3/32″ rubber.  My final was 11 grams and while the Loadmaster has significantly less wing area (27 square inches vs. 37 sq. in.), the power pack seems to work just fine – at least in initial testing – see the video).

The Short Kit (with canopy and landing gear) is available here.

(jump to Build Photos)

(jump to Test Flight Video)

Full Scale Documentation

NOTE:  all completed aircraft “photos” are mock-up illustrations.  The aircraft was never completed.  See the actual aircraft photos below.


Build Photos

Test Flight Video



