Superior Props Products are Back!

Well, almost – I still have to load Old Timer Folders and Old Timer Freewheelers and all of the hardware onto the web site.

My mother passed away peacefully last Friday and we went to Ohio this week for the service.  My dad is now ready to return to work (his decision)  and has asked that I send him “work”.  So, as soon as I can, I will load up all the products.

As he now lives alone in the middle of nowhere, my brothers and I will be checking on him more regularly.  This means more trips to Ohio for me – which means more time away from the business.  This is good for us, but may hamper the promptness of your order fulfillment.  I caught up before I left Tuesday, but have a couple new orders since then.  With diligence, I can stay caught up.

I still have some voicemails to catch up on – I will get to those soonest.  (P.S. – email is the best way to contact me.)

Anyway, soon, I will be back in full operation and we can provide you with the products you need.  Thanks for your understanding – and thanks for all of the compassionate thoughts I have received to date and for those in the future.  We truly appreciate it.


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2 Responses to Superior Props Products are Back!

  1. marty kline says:

    Mornin George!
    Any chance that you might have any more of those fine button timers? They work great on my CLG’s
    Marty K.

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