Notice I am now saying “restoration” and not “failure”.  We are moving beyond the failure into the new store.  And, it’s moving along.  I am able to batch upload Product Names and Descriptions that I can extract from the old site.  During the upload, I can set price and category.  These are much easier to do on a spreadsheet than on each individual product page.

But I learned that I have to do it in small sections.  Because, then I have to go into each individual product page, set things like product dimensions – and photos.  If I did 500 at once, I’d never be able to make sure all were logged correctly.  So, it is slow and steady.

I’ve now got just over 100 products in the store.  As I load, I am trimming my products, eliminating ones that I no longer sell (or no longer want to sell).  This was coming anyway, as suppliers dry up.  This will streamline your experience – and mine.

Last evening, I received my first order from the new store!  So, YES, IT WORKS!

To see the store, click the SHOP item on the right end of the top menu bar.  That will show a page of the different categories (if they have items in them).  Or you can just jump right to the specific category you want on the SHOP BY CATEGORY on the menu on the right SIDE.

As you can see, it is a fully integrated shop.  If you are having problems, let me know what they are and I will see if I can track them down.  As one person already observed: now the store and blog appear properly on small screens (like phones and tablets).  That’s an improvement right there.  I paid for a “responsive” site back when, but it was only partially realized.

I’ll be packing some orders this morning, and then back at the tedium that is reloading the products.  Onward and upward!

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