Models Do All They Can Do

It was a chilly, but nice, day for our last Outdoor contest of the year up here in Michigan.  When I got my Phantom Flash out of the box, I saw that it had a “potato-chip” stabilizer.  Oh well, it was the only one I brought.  The first flight was an 82-second flight.  It was during the best part of the day.  The air was still calm and the temps were starting to warm up.  (It was about 25 degrees when we started the contest.  By the end of the contest, it was in the high 40s.)

I was encouraged. This poor plane had spent one night outside this year and the wing had to be recovered.  I am sure I will be building a new one this winter.  But, sometimes our little planes do all they can do.  They fly as best as they can.  Sometime they seem like little puppies; so eager to please.  Even with its warped tail, this plane flew like it was perfectly balanced.  No rubber motor weight shift needed on launch, Take offs were straight up, with a stall to level flight and another climb.  And then it settled into large, slow circles.

The second flight was 85 seconds.  No one else had flown Phantom Flash at the time, but I gave it one more flight, since it wanted to fly.  I put in the winds, called for a time and let it ROG one more time.  Up it went – climb, stall, flatten, climb, flatten, circle.  As the motor ran down, the plane never lost altitude.  In fact, it’s nice trim allowed it to rise and rise.  I could see that the motor came off the front and was hanging on the rear.  But it was perfectly trimmed.  I chased and stopped.  Chased and stopped.  Chased and stopped three or four or five times.  Finally, it came down on the far end of the field.  I got back and was told it was a 4:16 flight!  The 82, 85, 120 was good enough for a win in Phantom Flash, against 4 other flyers.


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One Response to Models Do All They Can Do

  1. Erick J Villano says:

    I fly a Phantom Flash in the gym here in Milford. I haven’t gotten any 85 second flights (low ceiling) but it is one of my favorite models. It is a great flying model, and the kit was first class and lots of fun to build.
    Thanks for your efforts on behalf of modelers everywhere, and for your great product line.

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