Customer Photos – EKW C-3603

About a year ago, I received an inquiry from a potential customer.  This customer wanted SIX of my EKW C-3603 Short Kits.  That was unusual enough, but to add to the experience, the customer was in Switzerland (the EKW is a Swiss plane).

This morning, I woke up and checked my email.  There was a new message from the customer, Chris Ott.  He reported that two of the six kits had been completed.

It is always nice to get feedback and notes from customers, but, I think you’ll agree, this was especially gratifying.  These models are finished well beyond our typical flying-for-fun models and built more like display models.  It is nice to see and hear that my little kits were satisfactory for these modelers.  Thank you, Chris, for sharing your beautiful models!

Here is his message – and photos.

It was a pleasure to build this model, using your short kit. The drawings and lasered parts were very precise, so the assembling was easy, even without assembly instructions. Nevertheless we  modified some parts to give that model a more scale appearance :

  • The rear end of the canopy has been rounded.
  • The valve covers were modified.
  • The boxy radiator got round shapes.
  • We gave the cockpit a pilot and instrument panel.
  • We reduced the dihedral to 7.5° only. (instead 9.5° as indicated in the drawing).
  • We painted the model with neutrality stripes (like the prototype 1944).
  • For exhibition purposes we added a removable landing gear and scale propeller.

In the attachment you will find some pictures made during the construction of the first two, now finished models. They wear the buzz numbers C-516 and C-521. The others will follow soon, in other paint schemes.

The b/w picture shows C-625 ready for take off on the runway. This scene could have taken place in the 1940s (photo montage created with Photoshop).

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2 Responses to Customer Photos – EKW C-3603

  1. Marc Jespers says:

    I know Chris well, not only airplanes models but he is also a phantastic scenery builder for model railroad. I do appreciate his way to see the things and transform them to nearly reality. I learn much from him.

    Greetings to every one and keep safe

  2. steve neill says:

    Beautiful. I sure love mine. One of my favorite Volare kits!

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