Category Archives: Uncategorized

Out-of-Office until 28/29 July

I am off to the FAC Nats in Geneseo, NY this week and then the AMA Nats in Muncie, IN next week.  If your order has not been filled by now, it will not be filled until I return.  I … Continue reading

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Creating a New Instance of My Site

I am working re-creating or re-building my site.

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Shop Status and Future

30 Jan 2024 I have, after considerable time, effort, and expense, converted my web-store to Shopify.  You can find it here: PLEASE NOTE:  All Products, Customers, and Orders were migrated to the Shopify store.  Everything since I converted the … Continue reading

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Better Flying Through Record Keeping

I’ve written an article and put it in the How To area.  I hope you might find it useful. How-To: Better Flying Through Record Keeping –george

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The Passing of…a Stone

(note – there is “some” modeling content below, but mostly this is a reflection) Well, that’s over.  About 2pm local time yesterday, this popped out. It is a distinctly different shape that #1, which is interesting in a scientific sort … Continue reading

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Where have you been, George Bredehoft?

~or~ WHY IS MY STUFF LATE THIS TIME???? Today is Day Five. At 1am Saturday morning, I was awakened with severe pain in my right kidney.  Having been through this 15 years ago, I knew it was a kidney stone.  … Continue reading

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Once Upon a Time in Ohio

In 1979, I graduated from high school.  My big plans included going to an electronics school and jumping into that blossoming career field.  That lasted all of one semester and I dropped out of that program.  The next fall, I … Continue reading

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Confessions of Rubber Power Flyer

I fly Rubber Free Flight.  I do not fly r/c.  I do not fly gas. However, I have wanted two engines for a long time, just to have, not to fly or even run.  Now I have them.  They will … Continue reading

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More NAR Racers – Airmasters and Others!

Awhile back, I documented a Cessna C-34 that raced (and won) which made it eligible for the FAC Thompson Races.  The FAC Rules have changed, but it is still eligible for the FAC National Air Races.  Read what I wrote … Continue reading

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THE VOLARE PRODUCTS SHOP IS TEMPORARILY DISABLED. I was doing some maintenance and broke the site.  I will be working to restore it.  I cannot say when it will be back, but I am working on it.

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