Contact Us

Volaré Products
George Bredehoft
7686 B Drive South
Battle Creek, MI 49014




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10 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Tom Akery says:


    I was wondering if you still carry Steve Bage’s Mig 17 kit and or plans that he was developing with Shorty’s before they sold to you?

    I’m interested in the plans if they are available and the cost.

    Thanks for your assistance in this matter,

    • Bredehoft says:

      Hi Tom,

      I will check my stuff. I know they were working on that, but don’t think they were very far along. I don’t know if I got the plans, etc, or not. I do know i have a stack of canopies!


  2. Carl Piporo says:

    I would like to get my 4 year old grandson into balsa model airplanes.My daughter and son-in-law just moved into a new home with some open ground to fly rubberband power planes.I do like your short kits and have built balsa kits in the past but it’s been 20 years.I do build midpower rockets so I think I should not have any problems.I’m having total knee replacement in a few weeks and need something to keep me busy during rehab.Any suggestion on what kit to build?

    • Bredehoft says:

      The Cloud Tramp kit is simple, durable and a great flyer. If you want to move to a built-up body and wing, then my SkyRocket kit is simple to build and will withstand those little hands. Both are full kits and come with everything you need (rubber, propeller, etc) except glue, cutting tools, and a winder. Let me know what you’re thinking. Feel free to send an email to –george

  3. Carl Piporo says:

    Thanks for the reply,looking at the Bad Ax as well.I’ll show my grandson your list of kits.I did get him a few glider kits and he had fun with those.Will let you know what my grandson decides on.

  4. Jim Harris says:

    Hi George.
    I bought one of your Durham Mystery Model short kits. Just wondering… It shows a lot of incidence on the plan. Almost 3/8 of an inch. Is this correct ? I will be flying it outdoors. Also where should I start with the CG? I don’t see the CG marked on the plan. Thanks, Jim

  5. Chris Blanch says:

    Fantastic website. I’ve enjoyed and used the Thermalier articles for years.
    Only one question: Do you ship to the UK?

  6. James Haley says:

    cant log in

  7. Gregory Norton says:

    I’d like to purchase a balsa Notcher, but even when I log in, every product listed in your store still has a “You cannot Add to Cart until you Login First” shown. No way to add the item to a cart. I may try a phone call or email….

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